Understanding Public Land Parcels/ SUN Ranch

Thought #1 That spot could likely hold a decent whitetail because there is agriculture NE of it. Deer are public property assests and we should be allowed to harvest it if it is within those boundaries. This would be a good spot to recreate or view wildlife because of the wildlife that surrounds it. Crucify anyone who dares mention the word sell.

Thought #2 Due to access, public / land owner disputes, money spent on enforcement. Sell this property to the ranch for a high dollar amount and use those funds in areas that are more conducive to the public. Improve trail systems so kids/aging/veterans/people with disabilities can access and see what they are missing. Improve the schools by getting the new generation out from behind a computer and seeing what available to them.

Thought #3. Sell at a reduced price and the Sun Ranch must provide a ROW easement to NFS/State of Montana to Wolf Creek Trail. What potential the public looses on that 680 acres is gained + some by getting access back to a established trail system.

Who manages this decision at the land boards and why don't we the public get a say in how transactions get best executed? Thanks Tony

Thanks to everyone who chimed in on this, here is what I learned.

Thought #1. There is some very passionate people on this subject and that is a good thing, because it acts as a check and balance. (I figured I would get some of that so that is why I used the word crucify)

Thought #2 This is actually happening through the State. The use of the funds is dictated more strictly than I knew.

Thought #3 The report provided shows that these are happening and the ones approved are vetted with the public, genuinely financially sound, and a greater use to the Public.

Thought #4 This has happened, but I think it will get increasingly harder as more light is shined on this from people/organizations that care.

So for the Silver lining. This issue is an Onion with a lot of different views and layers, RMEF got $35 of my dollars for a new membership since they work so hard, I think a lot more of my hunting dollars will go towards business that are taking a stand and let the public know there is an issue, and you have one more educated person.