Yeti GOBOX Collection

U.S. Springfield 1903 30-06


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
There is a house auction and liquidation next Friday and below are the Guns. I don't know the condition but saw the 1903 Springfield and googled it for prices. At the Gun broker, the gun goes from nothing to $3,000. I don't know the condition of the gun for sale but what would make it worth a couple grand ?

Guns for sale at Auction :

GUNS: U.S. Springfield 1903 30-06, Remington Mohawk 48 12ga., Winchester model 97 12ga., .22 semi auto pistol, .410 bolt action, Wards .22 bolt.

Gun Broker link on springfields : springfield
Are you looking to turn a dime on it or just use it?

The ones that are high value are original format and havn't been "sporterized".

Most aroun have been hacked, but still provide a decent utility rifle.
To be worth 3k it would have to be a very very special rifle. A re-arsenalled 1903 in decent shape should be around $500-$600. An original in great shape could run anywhere between $800-$2000 depending on rareity and bunch of other details. If ifs tapped for either a scope or peep sight with a cut down stock its worth around $150. Make sure its a high number serial number if you want a shooter. For Springfields that will be above serial number 810,000. For Rock Islands its around 235,000. All Remingtons and Smith-Coronas should be safe as far as the steel goes. HAITI SUCKS! :W:
Always been an action I've liked. My dads 30-06 is a sporterized one that has been in our family for a couple generations, my grandpa, father and myself have all hunted elk with it at one time or another.
I built a .358 Norma Mag on a 03A3 which turned out very nice. The only down side is that they are a bugger to polish because they are so hard. Remember the number of guns you need is (n+1) n being the number you currently have. have to do that math in sxs shotguns, ou shotguns, revolvers, rifles...not to exclude bows.
or...hide the other gun safe..just keep the same number in the one she knows about
Make a stand-up pedistal for it, drape an ugly ass lamp shade on top, then Proudly strutt in the front door and proclaim " Honey ! Look at this great lampe I got 'US' for the living room ! She'll make ya take it anywhere, but in the living room and never, ever touch it from there on out......(voice of experience) LOL
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