Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

turkey gun red dot

I’ve got a .555 in a TC Encore. Patterns at 20 are like a baseball. Can very easily miss close birds.
Yeah, I am anticipating that.
The Stevens 301 has a pretty rough trigger. At 7+ lbs i was concerned with shanking close shots ...he was able to polish the parts to smooth the break to 6 lbs.
I have a Vortex Venom mounted on my Benelli Nova using a saddle mount that I had dipped in Realtree APG to match. Love the Venom (I also have one on a G19 MOS) but the saddle mount can impinge on the action just a bit, making racking not the smoothest.

Picked up a Meadow Creek Mounts rib mount (https://meadow-creek-mounts.myshopify.com/) and a Holosun HS507C-X2 to mount on my SBE3 20 gauge for the upcoming turkey season. Would have preferred to stay with Vortex but wanted a circle-dot reticle. Haven't yet mounted or tested the rig yet but will report back.
I have a vortex crossfire and it rocks!!! Sturdy as hell, has the parallax adjustment, runs forever, easy to install and use. Love it!
Avoid the venom.....the advantage of the crossfire is that the lens isn't as exposed and much much less likely to get scratched or damaged.
With my camo Remington 870, years back I installed a Leupold Gilmore red dot. It has worked great all these years (about 25!).

I installed an improved cylinder choke tube & sighted in using foster style slugs at 25 yards. When I was happy with that, I replaced the chole tube with an aftermarket tight one & tried my Winchester #5 3" magnum turkey loads on a large sheet with an aiming dot on it. I made sure that the pattern was "centered." Then I shot at turkey neck targets at various ranges to verify effectiveness and to help determine a maximum range for hunting.

It has worked great over the years. I recently purchased a S&W Model 41, 22 LR pistol that came with the exact same red dot Leupold Gilmore sight! Its about a 2 MOA dot and while larger than newer dot models, I'm going to leave it on!

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