Tule elk 2013


New member
Sep 12, 2014
Merced, Komefornia
Well a dream of mine has come true, couldn't have done it without a few good friends and their effort in getting on this bull. Thanks Daniel, Chris, and John. I owe all three of you big time!!

Friday before openers I finish loading 20 lead free bullets that I finally got tuned in for my gun. I went to work in the morning and got home about 4. Fed the horses and steers and loaded things up. Chris was at the house waiting and instead of helping with the chores he and my wife sat inside watching me hustle and try to get things done.... lol Just giving ya a hard time Chris!! We head out and swing by and get Daniel aka Dan-Man. We get to the lake about sun set and watch a few bulls, nothing big. We drive over to Johns ranch and he sets us up in the "bunk house" which is a really nice 3 bedroom house that I would love to have as my own. We had a few adult beverages and traded stories and talked about the size of bulls we had seen and what I had in mind. The #1 shooter was poached as well as a back up#2 bull. We had a few others in mind but none of them were even close to the 300 inch mark. Some may had been 270-290 but I really wanted something at 300 or better. After a few more drinks it was late.... 1am late.... We went to bed.

Saturday-Opening day. We had a game plan and up at 4:45am. No coffee but a diet pepsi did the trick and we were off. Set up on a good side hill before light. As the sun comes up we spot a nice 5x6, huge beams but a bit short on tine length and total points. Its now light enough to get to "the spot". We motor up the hill and set up the Leupold and Sworovski Spotting scopes. I spot the two biggest bulls I had been watching the last 10 days or so, they are about a mile into the state park that is a no hunting area. It appeared they didn't even come down to water that morning..... A little bummed.... We spot a great 6x6 in the bowl below us. He had good main beams and tine length, he was really wide but not as tall as I thought and he was only a 6x6..... I wanted the tule look with some sort of a crown on top.... We watched them and a few little 4x5's and 5x5's fight and play..... By about 8am they were working their way up the hill to bed down. We went over to the state hunting area where we have to use a bow. The other two tag holders were in there. I spotted a little 6x7 and a few smaller bulls, none of which were the big 7x8 I had seen in there a few weeks ago. It appeared he had totally changed his habits from 2-3 weeks ago and was now staying way up on the state property by the wind machines. Slim to none chance he would drop back down now..... We head back to town for a bite to eat and then back to the ranch. We sit around until about 12 noon. John said that we can jump on the 4 wheelers and take a drive around his ranch but don't expect much and we will be back in "the spot" that evening. I take my gun but not my pack as it didn't sound to promising..... We hit the first water hole and BAM!!! Big bull with 30+cows. We watched him and finally tried to get up around him. We were up above him and set up the spotters, he was tall, heavy, wide, but no 2nds, 3rds, and only one 4th on the right side. Beautiful bull but too broken up to score. I did put the Huskemaw on him and had him dead at 701 yards but chose to look for a better bull. some of the guys said to shoot him as he was a truly unique bull. We loaded back up on the bikes and headed further up the hill. Somehow we finally spooked this herd and they blazed up the hill picking up several other bulls with them as the thundered up and across the ridge. We got ahead of them on top and had the unique bull at 100 yds. He was cool and was now thinking maybe he is acceptable...... I don't want acceptable, I want without a doubt!!!... As we head to another hill top we pull the bikes on a flat and watch some bulls about 2500 yds away. A few cows look at us and we knew we had been spotted..... Should have parked the bikes on the back side of the hill..... We back up and park on the back side and let the elk settle back down. With binos we spot two good bulls but at that distance hard to tell what they really were. We had the herd we bumped side hilling behind us and were worried they would pull these elk down the hill and across the canyon. The two good bulls stood their ground and kept the 6-10 cows each had and without a fight they sent the bumped herd on down the canyon and back almost full circle to the pond where we first saw them. Spotting scopes are up and Dan-Man and John, both veteran elk hunters said WOW.... I knew they were good but to have them react like this I started shaking!! I looked at the biggest bull through the sworo and said thats him boys!! Both of these new herds we found were still a bit nervous so we just hunkered in the shade and watched. It was about 1:30pm..... At about 2:30 john decided to head back to the ranch and grab packs and gear.... Talk about ill prepared.... I felt like a first time hunter, not someone who has killed 30+ bucks already.... John gets back about an hour later and we come up with a plan. Both bulls are better than anything we had seen in the last few weeks, they rivaled the big bull that was poached!! As a first time elk hunter everyone was telling me to calm down, breath ,and not worry about their horns. I replied, "were a long ways from pulling the trigger boys".... First stalk is under way. Those coastal mountains dont look to bad from the valley floor but as you try and side-hill they really are steep. I slid about 20 feet down one ridge as it was just too steep, the other hunters slid and fell as well. We make it to a saddle and pop up. Range is 720 yds and as I look as his horns I start second guessing my self.... I had been blowing up milk jugs at 800yds all week but I just wasn't feeling it today.... As we scope out another saddle we determine it will be a 200-350 yd shot, perfect!!! As we slip and slide down the dry grass and skunk weed I cant help but admire the view of the valley from where we are, it was spectacular. As the sweet drips into my eyes and down my back I realize I have a task to accomplish and its back to crawling along the side of the steepest mountain I had ever attempted to go around. Finally John says this is the spot. I slip up and no elk..... We all pop our heads up and they are not there..... We hear a bugle and know its one of the two good bulls. We crab crawl around this bowl and up to the edge. We see the second biggest bull (6x6) and I set up on him. He is 325 yds and the boys are telling me its not my big bull. I knew it wasn't him but I figured the big bull would head his way and run him out. They bugled and screamed some real profanities at each other and the 6x6 drops over the ridge. Now the 7x7 starts to walk up to where the 6x6 was. I try and settle in for the shot but it never feels right. Rest was too short and grass too tall. As the big boy heads to the top John whistles a good, if not the best bugle, I had ever heard from his lips. The big boy stops and heads back our way. We hear more bugles from the bowl right below us.... As were scrambling to try and figure out where my big boy will appear I see two smaller bulls sneak out to our left. I swing the gun at them and once again my guys are telling me its not him, I knew it wasn't but I appreciate their support and watching out for me. Well the big boy followed out the little bulls. He stops at 50 yards and I have nothing but grass in my scope. I turn the power down and stand up on my knees. The bull bolts and once again John bugles and the bull turns broad side at 70 yds. I center punch his lungs and he bolts off. He goes about 20 yards to the edge of the ridge and he starts to wobble. John bugles again and with blood pumping out both sides of this bull he bugles again and is ready for a fight. I start to shoot him in the shoulder and everyone says no, he will fall right there. As he starts to tip over he sticks his left leg out and catches himself, he must have also got a boost of adrenalin because he blows off the side of the ridge and everyone says shoot!! Too late.... As I run to the edge there is one more flat about 300yds down. John bugles again and the bull hesitates in the last flat before the huge canyon. As he ever so slightly bugles and looks back at us I hit him with the 300RUM and 180gr E-Tips right in the shoulder. That drops him at the edge of the cliff. He is kicking and we worry about him rolling off the side. One more throat/spine shot puts him down for good. I start to race down to him but wait for my camera man and the others. We approach and know he is done. High fives and hugs all around. First shot was 6:00pm and we got the last of the meat and gear up the hill to the 4 wheelers at midnight, back to the barn at 2am. A few coors originals and the bull is hung up and spread open to cool. It was a tough afternoon and evening but so worth it. I would go back and do it again the next day!! Video of the hunt is on you tube. Just search horn star tule elk and it should pop up. I cant thank Chris enough for videoing, Dan-Man for his diligent glassing and advice as well as John and his great ranch and guide skills. Having a true cowboy who works the ranch and knows every inch of the ground sure paid off for us. Thanks guys!!


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Dang, that is cool. Serious envy for those of us who live in the Tule-free states. Congrats on a great bull.
If I had to get rid of all my mounts ( GOD forbid ) and could keep only one.....it would be my Tule elk.

Congrats on a great bull......treasure it !
I can understand that! I'd love to hunt them, but I doubt I'll ever be able to turn loose the scratch for one. The odds and cost of applying keep me from doing that as well... Way cool animal is some very neat country IMO.
Thanks everyone!! It was definitely a hunt of a lifetime!! I drew one of three tags for the San Luis Res. area. The odds of drawing it are a bit better than several of the other areas. There is only 600 acres of public ground where there are elk and its all archery only. I know several land owners over there and they were good to me. I have cowboyed and done some day work for them and they were awesome. I helped another guy get his bull on a piece of private ground and it cost him about $2000. No trespass fee, only a kill fee. Thanks again for the kind words. I would love to harvest a rockie in the next few years. I have 5 points for WY so maybe a few more years I will try and draw somewhere there.
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