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trophy hunting

John White

New member
Feb 26, 2001
I know that I am a minority in my views about trophies but I have never had a desire to have a head mounted. I have probably shot as many deer as anyone on this board and have a grand desire to go hunting in Africa but have no interest in bringing the heads back and having them mounted. I might go along with a pair of tusks if I could ever afford to kill an elephant but that's about it. I have several friends who have a house full of trophy heads from many trips to Africa, like to look at theirs, but don't want any for myself. Am I ill or what? Do others feel the same way?
I like having mounts on my wall, it's a conversational piece. And I also think it is a sense of accomplishment, If I have something on my wall I worked for it. But if you don't want one that is up to you. Do you have a wife that rubbed off on you????

My wife told me could not have any mounts on my wall, she likes them now!!!!

Howdy John,

Right now, that makes a lot of sense to me!
I just found out that when my creatures arrive (maybe this month) That the taxidermist bill will be pretty darn sporty!
It's funny because my Non-hunting wife's part of the bill is half! And she really did'nt want "dead animals" in the house to start with!

I have heard several folks say they take credit against the hunt for the capes & horns and it cuts the cost down considerably.

An example is an Elephant hunt can be as little as 10 to 15K. I have heard problem Elephant hunts at the last minute are as little as $5,000
Tusks under 60# (per side) are worth roughly $50/Lb.
So, that could deduct 3 or 5k from the total.
That said, I would have to keep the tusks!
Of course, plains animal capes are worth way lees but so are the trophy fees.
I have seen Hunts for Kudu/Gemsbok/Impala
for roughly $3,500. Seems like a bargin when mule deer guided hunts are 2,500.
good evening.
I agree strongly with you. Of course I respect the choice of others to do mountings, but to me personally money spent on a trophy means less money to be spent on more hunting.
I hunt a helluvalot, so I had to create ways of keeping hunting costs at bay. See my web site with tips of the kind.
Specific thread is this one. Go to the last bullet on this page.
To Cathunt----No. No one coerced me into this. I'm not married at this time. I am a widower. I just don't see what the heck I'd do with a bunch of stuffed heads on the wall of my house. I just don't see the value and, like some of the others have said, it is money I could use for trophy fees to kill other animals. Have you ever seen what a mounted head goes for at an estate auction? Not much. I would rather have some poster-sized blown-up color pictures of me and the dead animals on the wall.
John, I do believe I understand what you are trying to say, and must admit in my younger and perhaps poorer times felt the same way. I mean why have to worry about the whole process, plus spend money in addition. It sure made sense to me back then, well times have changed, I like peas and brussels sprouts these days, so I am mounting some on the wall just so my grand kids can see em too.:p:p:p
I guess I just prefer the dead critters on the walls myself.........but photos are easier to dust


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