Not sure why I did not do this sooner. I had been thinking about how to make my trekking poles more adaptable for multiple uses. Yesterday I went over to my FIL's because he has a rivnut tool, and 2 stainless steel 1/4x20 female inserts. Drilled a hole in the top of the handle and installed.
Goal is to be able to use my poles for hiking, glassing with binos or even a spotter, a shooting yoke, and as a tipi pole. I put an arca base plate onto one of the sticks for the yoke binos and spotter which have a quick release plate already. Argalis X3 trekking pole adapter is what I could use to connect them together for a tipi. Argali actually sells trekking poles with the built in rivnut, but they are $$$ and weigh what mine weigh already.
Not a bad mod that cost nothing (thanks FIL), dropped my 40oz tripod off my pack weight for when Im not glassing for anything special, and lets me go even lighter when I want to.

Goal is to be able to use my poles for hiking, glassing with binos or even a spotter, a shooting yoke, and as a tipi pole. I put an arca base plate onto one of the sticks for the yoke binos and spotter which have a quick release plate already. Argalis X3 trekking pole adapter is what I could use to connect them together for a tipi. Argali actually sells trekking poles with the built in rivnut, but they are $$$ and weigh what mine weigh already.
Not a bad mod that cost nothing (thanks FIL), dropped my 40oz tripod off my pack weight for when Im not glassing for anything special, and lets me go even lighter when I want to.