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Tom Brokaw ("Gun Owner") on Guns

..doesn't matter. Sheep don't know the difference.....the wolves and sheepdogs however.;)
That interview was worthless. Brokaw is as phony a journalist you can find. Democrats are just using this to rally their base, hell, they had Presidency and both houses not to long ago, why didn't they act then?
That interview was worthless. Brokaw is as phony a journalist you can find. Democrats are just using this to rally their base, hell, they had Presidency and both houses not to long ago, why didn't they act then?

Because they are not all as anti-gun as everyone makes them out to be.
If gun control was so virtuous, moral and supported as its advocates claim, why can't they win the argument with facts?
Why do the most outspoken supporters of gun control either blatantly lie, or put on full display how ignorant they are about guns. "fully automatic' 'high capacity clips' 'weapons of war' 'large caliber' when talking about a .223 etc etc...

Ak15s AR-47s, or there's this twat
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Brokaw is an old fool that has never been anything but a left-wing goomer. He is another hypocrite-a democrat that owns guns. They will never address the real problem. The shooter was a demoncrat and a moslem, which is the real problem.
He is another hypocrite-a democrat that owns guns. . . . The shooter was a demoncrat and a moslem, which is the real problem.

That is one of the dumbest things I've ever read on this board. A Democrat that owns guns is not a hypocrite. That's like saying a Republican that hunts on public land is a hypocrite.

Timothy McVeigh ". . ., his only known associations were as a registered Republican while in Buffalo, New York in the 1980s, and a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the Army, and there is no evidence that he ever belonged to any extremist groups."

The real problem is dumb people.
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If gun control was so virtuous, moral and supported as its advocates claim, why can't they win the argument with facts?
Why do the most outspoken supporters of gun control either blatantly lie, or put on full display how ignorant they are about guns. "fully automatic' 'high capacity clips' 'weapons of war' 'large caliber' when talking about a .223 etc etc...

Ak15s AR-47s, or there's this twat

Don't forget "high powered". I asked one the other day if they would feel better about getting shot with a low powered rifle. They didn't know what to say to that.
If gun control was so virtuous, moral and supported as its advocates claim, why can't they win the argument with facts?
Why do the most outspoken supporters of gun control either blatantly lie, or put on full display how ignorant they are about guns. "fully automatic' 'high capacity clips' 'weapons of war' 'large caliber' when talking about a .223 etc etc...

Ak15s AR-47s, or there's this twat

Don't forget "high powered". I asked one the other day if they would feel better about getting shot with a low powered rifle. They didn't know what to say to that.
I just figured if he could coerce members of his party to vote for Obama care, he could ram rod gun control thru also...

I guess that makes my point: Not all Dems are gun control freaks. Bush had the White House, the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court, a 95% approval rating, a yellow ribbon on every SUV in America, a press pass, and world sympathy; Yet he couldn't do S but break the world. Hell, you can check me if I'm wrong, but more gun control occurred on his watch than Obama's. Just saying that party ownership doesn't mean everything.

(The only reason the insurance companies were left in the money sucking loop on Obama Care (thus ruining it) is to placate those beholden to money. Now they complain it doesn't work and wonder why.)
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I guess that makes my point: Not all Dems are gun control freaks. Bush had the White House, the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court, a 95% approval rating, a yellow ribbon on every SUV in America, a press pass, and world sympathy; Yet he couldn't do S but break the world. Hell, you can check me if I'm wrong, but more gun control occurred on his watch than Obama's. Just saying that party ownership doesn't mean everything.

(The only reason the insurance companies were left in the money sucking loop on Obama Care (thus ruining it) is to placate those beholden to money. Now they complain it doesn't work and wonder why.)
Ahhh.....the lefts never ending argument....."Bush's Fault", I was not a Bush fan either, but, I do not confuse "opinion" as facts.
We have a lot of people being shot in America. Sometimes, more than one is shot at a time. That scares people. Like plane crashed scare people into driving a car 1500 miles when their risk is higher in the car. If you do not live in Chicago, Philly, New Orleans, D.C. and a couple of cities and if you do not engage in felony activities then you have a very, very low risk of being shot. If you have a car trunk full of drugs or a guest room full of cash from running numbers or think it is a good idea to walk up to a random place in Chicago to declare you now own all the drug sales then you do have a significant risk of being shot in the upcoming months.

Tobacco kills more people in Des Moines or Flagstaff than guns. Cars speeding kill more. Cars with a drunk or high person or texting person kill more in those same cities. Abuse of drugs. Usually those deaths are quickly forgotten since they trickle in mostly in ones and no news teams compete to out-sensationalize each other.

So, if most of us on this forum are not at an elevated risk of being shot then what can we do to have less of the high-risk drug-runners, etc, being shot? What can we do to make crazed persons from the left, right or middle refrain from shooting up innocents? Until we figure out that, we risk having a tsunami of "drive rather than fly" emotions rolling over the right to own a gun.

All the times today an innocent person was able to defend their home or scare away a rapist will then become hand to hand combat where the odds are against the unsuspecting, especially if the attacker has a gun. Again, those self-defense events do not get reported but instead you hear about Dick Cheney's mishap.
Ahhh.....the lefts never ending argument....."Bush's Fault", I was not a Bush fan either, but, I do not confuse "opinion" as facts.

Where did I confuse my opinion as fact? The fact that the truth has a liberal bias is not the left's fault and it's not my fault. As to Jr., it was his fault; his and those who voted for and supported him. But here's what I'd like to hear: How the left's never ending argument is any different than the right's never ending argument: "Thanks Obama!" As if he could un-F the steaming pile of festering S that was left on his plate in a mere eight years. Hell, it's gonna take another 10 or 15 to recover. Just my opinion, of course. (Is the left required to add that caveat at the end of every post, even if it is patently opinion? Why not the right, in all those preceding posts above?)
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We have a lot of people being shot in America. Sometimes, more than one is shot at a time. That scares people. Like plane crashed scare people into driving a car 1500 miles when their risk is higher in the car. If you do not live in Chicago, Philly, New Orleans, D.C. and a couple of cities and if you do not engage in felony activities then you have a very, very low risk of being shot. If you have a car trunk full of drugs or a guest room full of cash from running numbers or think it is a good idea to walk up to a random place in Chicago to declare you now own all the drug sales then you do have a significant risk of being shot in the upcoming months.

Tobacco kills more people in Des Moines or Flagstaff than guns. Cars speeding kill more. Cars with a drunk or high person or texting person kill more in those same cities. Abuse of drugs. Usually those deaths are quickly forgotten since they trickle in mostly in ones and no news teams compete to out-sensationalize each other.

So, if most of us on this forum are not at an elevated risk of being shot then what can we do to have less of the high-risk drug-runners, etc, being shot? What can we do to make crazed persons from the left, right or middle refrain from shooting up innocents? Until we figure out that, we risk having a tsunami of "drive rather than fly" emotions rolling over the right to own a gun.

All the times today an innocent person was able to defend their home or scare away a rapist will then become hand to hand combat where the odds are against the unsuspecting, especially if the attacker has a gun. Again, those self-defense events do not get reported but instead you hear about Dick Cheney's mishap.

Agreed. I've wondered lately if anyone has ever done a per-capita analysis of shootings over the course of American History. We started out with a couple boat loads of Spanish soldiers back in the 1500s and now we have 350 million people. Are more people killed today say, per thousand, than were in the beginning when guns first showed up? Just curious.
If you can not read your own writing and see what you wrote, that is sad, teaching you "opinion" rather than "fact", that was our public school systems job, not mine, perhaps re-read what you wrote and it will come to you....
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