Today's myth: Cattle Have Replaced the Bison

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"Although cattle and bison have a common evolutionary ancestor, so do the polar bear and black bear. Yet we would not suggest that these two bears can inhabit the same type of landscape or that they are ecological analogues of one another. Cattle evolved in moist Eurasian woodlands and are poorly adapted to arid regions. In comparison with bison, cattle use more water, spend more time in riparian areas, and are less mobile. They are poorly adapted to dry western rangelands-one reason why livestock grazing has been so detrimental to these ecosystems......"

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I hope we don't have to listen to any more BS about cattle and bison being the same!
Mike, do they really taste better? I've never had bison so I wouldn't know. But I would guess that if that is true, it is only due to the higher fat content in the meat, which of course means it is not as healthy as bison. The best food always has the most fat!
IT, its obvious you have never made it anywhere but ID and whereever you from.
There are many other breeds of cattle in the WORLD that use less water than bison, and if they would survive the cold winters of the rockies there would be far more of them and then you could really scream about the number of cattle doing serious damage to your environment.
And tho I hate to make more than 1 point in a post, confuses ya,
If you knew anything about 'eating beef', you'd pick out a fed 2 year old bull that fluked the semen test, or a 3-4 year cow that didn't get bred back. The feedlot beef is typically only 13-15 months old and has comparatively no flavor.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-17-2003 20:20: Message edited by: Lostagain ]</font>
You ought to be concerned about other breeds of cattle..... they will show up here in larger numbers to feed on even less desirable conditions. You ought to be promoting the local rancher instead of trying to run them outa business. The big sorps don't have a very good track record of stewardship.

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