Time to Rant & Rave.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
northeast Iowa
First off: "I am no better then anyone else".... we all have faults.

I am sure I'll get some butt chewing for this one.

I am watching "Christiansen Outdoors" today. The shooters objective is to shoot an animal further away then he has ever done before. He has shot a sheep at 780 yards and now wants to better that shot (distance). His objective is to shoot an antelope at 800+ yards. Yes, I do realize this show is about selling the guns and scopes for longer distances. They see a nice buck visit a waterhole at 600 yards, drink and then walk to 800+ yards and take the shot. A nice shot was taken and the animal goes down. My problem is with the "ethics". Why not shoot at 600 instead of 800, why not a stalk???

Someone try to concince me that a 800+ yard shoot is ethical (even with tons of practice) when a closer shot was possible. If you want to hit something at 800 yards why not put a target out there (if you miss the bulls-eye at least you do not have a wounded animal). If the shot was off and the animal was wounded would Christiansen have shown the footage???

Maybe it's the old bowhunter in me that says "it's not about how far but about how close" (even if you are using a rifle). OK, now I feel better.

Well that's my rant & rave.

good luck to all
the dog
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I suppose it has something to do with the challenge involved. Sometimes the challenge is about getting up close and personal, or shooting a big buck, or using iron sites, or a bow, or public land, or to stalk an animal, or shoot one as close to the road as you can get it, or meat, or a drop tine, or a re-curve, or the last hour of the last day of the season, or in this case shooting from a billion yards away. Unfortunately, we are left to wonder how much consideration is for the ethical shot in the matter.
The sick and twisted part about the whole thing is I'd probably pay a buck to see it done. I am also a bit envious that someone can shoot that well....but who knows how many animals that guy wounded in the process???
I'd say like with most things now a days everyone is trying to capitalize on something that isn't being done so people will watch it. I'm surprised no one has come up with a show yet where someone stalks up close and personal and uses a knife...could be coming someday.
Granted, they must spend alot of time and ammo shooting at that range and are obvoiusly very proficient. However, I think it is all about the Benjamins, "If you buy our rifle, you too can drop animals at 1/2 mile +" Nothing suffers when you miss a half court shot or a 60 yard field goal, but hit a leg or blow off a jaw and the result just sucks.
I saw that show also, and agree. They show most of the animals going down like they dropped an anvil on them, but when they are target shooting, sometimes it takes the bullet a long time to get there. Clever editing?
The way I look at long range shooting is summed up by one word.

Who am I to say that he shouldn't be shooting at that distance if he has put the time,effort,and money into making sure he can consistently put lead on target? If thats the challenge they find in hunting, then more power to them.
I do have a problem taking a shot thats is beyond the capability of the hunter. For instance how many weekend warroiors out there grab there rifle from under the bed and head out hunting on a saturday morning after they picked up the cheapest box of ammo they could at walmart. They make the assumption that the rifle was still sighted in "cause it was on 3 years ago when I shot that doe" and havent put a round thru it since.
Lacking familiarity with the rifle, ammo and zero they go blast away and end up wounding an animal.
I guess what I am saying is I would rather see an 800yd shot by a proficent marksman than a 50yd shot by an unprepared Joe Blow out for the day.

All that said I do find the greatest challenge in getting as close as possible for my shots. I find it to be the most fun!
Why shoot it with a rifle at all when you could shoot it with a bow?
Why make a 30 yard bow shot when you could stalk to 5 and stick it with a spear?

The flip side is, when you put this stuff on TV for all to watch, there is an "expected" level of responsibility involved. You put your stuff out there for all to see and the producer should be cognizant of that fact and choose content accordingly.

That's why I choose to watch On Your Own Adventures.
The original problem he had with it was that he purposely let the animal walk another 200 yds. to get it out farther. There's no question this guy has wounded animals as we all will sooner or later in our hunting careers but to pass on a 600 yd shot to try and make a 800 is irresponsible. Even a sniper will tell you all the different factors that can and do come into play at those yardages. I'm not opposed for those who are proficient at those ranges but don't kid yourself stuff will happen to your bullet on occasion that you can't control. Like it was mentioned before don't educate those of us who aren't that proficient that you should let the animal get farther out for the challenge. Irresponsible!

I too have wondered how all these animals are dropping in their tracks. Almost every show and every animal doesn't move. Unless they are spine shooting them I just don't see that happening with every episode. Somethings fishy
Shooting animals at 600 doesn't sell equipment as well as it does, when they are shot at 800.

That's why Randy's show is nice. He's not shoving some sort of gear down your throat with every episode. You can see the scopes, boots, trucks, tents, gps etc..... he's using and without saying a word about them. The results will speak for themselves and the viewer can decide without persuasion to check them out.
The hunt media industry is certainly not producing 25 minutes of ads and 5 minutes of edited drama for purist appeal.
Long distance shooting is not hunting it is sniper fire, which is the fantasy I think these folks live under; there is more than one show with this issue; not for me or my kids. Half of the fun is the stalk and getting close.
My rule is "Kudos to the farthest shot on targets, and the closest shot on game regardless of weapon". To my way of thinking If someone were to walk in at the moment of releasing the arrow or squeezing the trigger, there should be no doubt as to the outcome of that shot. That is good television to me.
Yeah, most deer shot at reasonable range on TV run off a bit before expiring, but on the "sniper" shows they drop in their tracks...hmmm.
Caribou Gear

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