
Timber Companies and Access Fees

Interesting. I can see he timber companies point. The fee seems excessive from my viewpoint... just to keep tract of who is on the land (maybe $20.00). My question: are only the hunters being charged an access fee? What about the hikers and campers?

The author states that the land should be accessed due to tax breaks. If my town gives Walmart a tax break should I be allowed to go into Walmart and take items off of the shelf for free??

good luck to all
the dog
Interesting. I can see he timber companies point. The fee seems excessive from my viewpoint... just to keep tract of who is on the land (maybe $20.00). My question: are only the hunters being charged an access fee? What about the hikers and campers?

The author states that the land should be accessed due to tax breaks. If my town gives Walmart a tax break should I be allowed to go into Walmart and take items off of the shelf for free??

good luck to all
the dog

Dirt bags drive the cost up for us all, seems reasonable to ask for an access fee.

That Walmart argument isn't congruent, if those accessing the lands were taking trees/lumber it would be more accurate. Further Walmart gets tax breaks for providing construction jobs and employment once open. The Timber Companies get tax breaks in exchange for access, in many cases that land was provided at pennies on the dollar and is current checkerboarded.

This does highlight a key issue, this that use the land should respect the land and more importantly police others for we are all at risk to the dumbasses behavior.
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