Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved i


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
Did I cross a line some where?

I got this message when I posted a reply...

Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting.
you have crossed the line for the last time! I got that earlier when I posted a showed up bout 10 mins later
That's what I get for every post I make. I figured I was on probation for a while since I am a new member.
I noticed that guys. We have looked at your registration profile to see if there is a setting that is causing it. So far, nothing shows up unusual.

Hang with us. We are working on it.
Try using the word 'penis'.....and sending it to Moosie. Might slide right on through, knowing this crowd as long as I have ! ;)
Thanks guys!

I thought it might haave to do with an embedded link I posted in the "getting to know you" thread. That is the only place it showed up...