Taking clients hunting: Give me pointers


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
Now for the sake of discussion I'm talking about an upland game hunt, on private land, probably with planted birds at a preserve. Maybe a round of Sporting clays after the morning hunt .
What makes this a worthwhile Business entertainment expense?
Would a "meeting" on the product or service preceding the hunt be worthwhile?
Should this be an existing client rather than a prospect?
Is there a better individual to take hunting on the company's dime? Like your boss or a valued employee or sales agent? Think Corporate rather than Small Business perspective.

What are the Do's and especially the Don'ts...
A couple local banks do something like this. One does a somewhat canned pheasant hunt with the guides running dogs and then an awesome lunch afterwards. Another just does a skeet shooting tournament with a morning flight and afternoon flight with a nice lunch for everyone in the middle,

They invite some of the larger business clients to them.
Don’t worry about discussing specifics, that kind of an outing is a relationship building event in which you and your client learn a little about each other. You’re not out to be best buddies but when business issues arise on either end later on, having a little knowledge of the guy on the other end of the phone can make a big difference in trusting that the other party will work to find a solution. Helps make your business relationships more than merely transactional.
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