Survey Request

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Fellow hunters who have used the Montana Block Management Program:

I am making this post in hopes that you will be willing to take this survey that is being sponsored by in independent non-profit organization that is seeking feedback from hunters and landowners as to how the Block Management Program is working in Montana.

This is a survey prepared, conducted, and anlyzed by a professional firm specializing in such. That is different from the internal surveys completed by FWP.

For those who don't know, this Montana program is where millions of acres of private land are enrolled in a public access program. Landowners are paid fees for the impacts of public hunting. It has been around for a long time.

The program has staunch supporters and a few vocal critics. In order to address what is the real level of satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, solid data is needed. This survey will provide that.

The survey sponsors needd 70 more responses to make this a survey that can be extrapolated across the hunting segment, with accepted levels of certainty. This is very important to both residents and non-residents who use this program.

I hope you will take the time to complete the survey. For those who already have, Thank You.

Link provided below.

Happy Hunting!
Completed when it first came out. Always wondered how they could keep track on how people feel about BMA's. Great as far as I'm concerned.
Randy, thanks for the repost about the survey. Thanks as well to all the Hunt Talkers who have responded, you folks have been a great help.

There was an editorial in the Missoulian yesterday asking folks to take the survey. I've pasted in a link below for anyone who is interested in reading it:

Once again, if anyone has questions or would like a hard copy of the survey, you can PM me here or email me at [email protected]


This is a fantastic vehicle to help improve Block, and hopefully improve landowner/sportsmen relations.
The survey only takes 10 minutes and will provide valuable information. After you take the survey, post your thoughts of the survey on this thread.
I've been occupied in other matters and was not aware of this. Thanks for the heads up, Randy.

Completed. BMA's for me have been instrumentall in accessing public land and for more opportunity to harvest game within the BMA. Big thank you to the landowners who participate in this program. I've had an opportunity to meet a few and always extend my appreciation.
Did this morning,thanks for the heads up,I use bma's whenever I hunt Montana.
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