PEAX Equipment

Superbowl party!

the funny thing is he actually performed "lets go crazy"
Boy, my party turn out was a lot less than usual. I guess a bunch of wusses were afraid to bear the -10 temps with -30 windchill.... about a third of the usual crowd and a few didnt come because of car starting problems




Real Wisconsin party pad you got Schmalts! You know global warming is real when Wisconsin people miss a party and it's only minus 10.

Bears Suck!!! First play was good. First quarter was OK. The rest of the game stunk. Bad Rex showed up true to form. He stunk. Even the fairy at half time stunk.
Dominic Rhodes played college ball here at MSU. Still holds the rushing title.
Gotta admit, AZ402, The Artist Formally Know as..." was better than expected. But -come on- he's still a retread from the 80s. Arural expanders, overdrive boxes and echo devices can't hide the fact that he's still only a barely adaquate guitarist. He does sing better than my cat can... I'll give him that.
No particular order:
1. Eric Clapton
2. Stevie Ray Vaughn
3. Joe Walsh
4. Monte Montgomery
5. Henry Garza

Didn't mean to hijack your thread idea Stan but these are my anyway.

Prince is a helluva player & performer but his music is shitty & he pegs the creepy meter.
Now THERE you go, NHY. All those guys really know what they're doing. Add to the list: John Schofield, Mike Bloomfield, Albert Collins, Albert, Freddy & BB King.
Look, I ain't got nothing against Prince -he can play, but there's a big difference between showy, noisy flash and meaty substance. ANYONE can be flashy... it takes real talent to to play the real thing. We've kicked noisemakers out of the bands I've played in for the same reason.
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