Julia Olson, Environmental Attorney and Founder of "Our Children’s Trust" has collected her Climate Change children for her next endeavor.
Her previous - Oregon Climate Change actions:
And her next, "Our Children’s Trust" endeavor:
Great to see our Montana youth engaged in our environmental, judicial, and political theatre. Following their father, Ryan Busse, Senior Advisor of Gifford's anti 2A Gun Control Organization, as they enter into the limelight.
I'm not a fan of Ryan Busse's 2A position. That said, peaceful activism, is part of our American flag's fabric, whether we agree or disagree with the topic. For that, grats to his boys.
Her previous - Oregon Climate Change actions:
Teens Take Politicians To Court Over Climate Change
Teens Take Politicians To Court Over Climate Change
And her next, "Our Children’s Trust" endeavor:
In Montana, It’s Youth vs. the State in a Landmark Climate Case
KALISPELL, Mont. — Badge and Lander Busse tromped into the forest behind their house on a snowy Sunday in March, their three hunting dogs in tow. It was in these woods, just outside Glacier National Park, that the teenage boys learned to hunt, fish, dress a deer and pick birdshot from Hungarian...
Great to see our Montana youth engaged in our environmental, judicial, and political theatre. Following their father, Ryan Busse, Senior Advisor of Gifford's anti 2A Gun Control Organization, as they enter into the limelight.
I'm not a fan of Ryan Busse's 2A position. That said, peaceful activism, is part of our American flag's fabric, whether we agree or disagree with the topic. For that, grats to his boys.