Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Stolen Snowmobiles in Alaska


New member
Dec 11, 2000
That really suck's.
It's a mighty low life SOB that could steal something let along something from a kid.
Some fuggers stole my kids snomobiles in Anchorage this week. If any of you Alaska guys see these around please let me know. I hate the bastard thieves.




[ 10-19-2004, 00:16: Message edited by: Moosie ]
That Sucks the BIG one !!! Hope you get it back, I'll keep an Eye out in Idaho too ;) (Not a funny joke I'm sure but I tried ......)

Are those actualy pictures you took prior to the theft or replica pictures for the Police report ?
Those are pics of the actual sleds. First is my oldest and then is my wife with middle son. I hope the #$^Q*Q^W%*Q^WQW&%(^Q%$(&Q^W$&%Q*)^%$)^%)^%!)(&%*QW^(&Q%$)*%Q&^$)*4 burn in Hell.

Thanks for fixing the second pic.
MY pleasure....

Sorry to hear. I do hope you recover them. I'm guesing slim to no chance ? What were the odds the Cops gave ya ? I'm guessing it's nothing to Strip a color and Re"look" a sled ? I hear lot'sa ATV's get took here in Idaho too.... WHy I have no Idea why but people do that.
Odds aren't good but it's worth a try. The thing that gets me the most is they could have taken my 2 full size sleds just as easy. It burns my ass for some fuggers to steal from kids.

My kids are heartbroken.

Oh well, got a line on one from my buddy for a good price. I'll make sure they don't think about it too much.
dude we have the sam problem up here in Fairbanks.Freaking sleds are what they want,they just go right in your yards and take them.Glad I dont have one for fear of how bad sled thieves are.........the phuckers.Anyhow my employer has two of those like the one stolen from you,so I know what to look for up here,I'll keep an eye out.Daniel
It's too bad someone can't come up with some sort of tracking device planted on the rig that can be tracked with radio or something like that to recover stolen property. I'd like to see the looks on their faces when you show up with law enforcement in tow to arrest those bastages. Gees, in Idaho we can track wolves out in the remote wilderness so why can't we track other crap too. At any rate, hopefully they catch the thieves who stole your sleds.

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