Sportsmen for Access

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
All of you have heard/seen me talking about public hunting access funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Well, now we have a campaign that is making LWCF funding for hunters and anglers the focal point of their purpose.

I have done some videos for them, I am lending all of my platforms to that cause, and I am asking all of you to take a minute and check out their website. I have added :30 seconds of "in content" messaging to every episode in the upcoming season, telling how LWCF has impacted the public lands you see us hunting.

I wouldn't ask this of you, if it were not so important to the future of hunting and fishing access. Here's the reality for the LWCF and the access it provides.

LWCF is up for renewal next year by Congress. What Congress decides to do with LWCF will have more impact on the future of public hunting and fishing access than any program we have. LWCF has opened millions of acres of public land and if reauthorized, it will continue to provide millions more acres for those who follow in our footsteps.

I am not one to ask for favors, but since this is a request on behalf of all who use public lands, I am asking you to go to this website, sign up for the email alerts, and any other "calls to action" that will get Congress to understand that LWCF works for public access.

Here is their Facebook page. Please give them a "Like" and share it with your fellow public land hunters and anglers.

The time for action on this issue is now. No matter what state you hunt or fish, your access has been improved by LWCF. We must convince Congress to reauthorize the LWCF. No other way to put it.

Thanks for any support you can provide.

Thanks for all you do Randy. This project looks fantastic & with some heavy hitters like yourself, I bet it does a lot of good for hunters, anglers and lovers of public land!

Wish more in the industry would take a page from your book and stand up for the average hunter & angler. :)
This is good, hope it helps to raise awareness, especially for the full funding.

Not to be critical, but you might let whoever did the video know that the audio tracking is off from the video a wee bit.

SFA = Good

SFW = Bad

Is it just me or is it hard to keep all these groups straight? I need a list or something.

SFA = Good

SFW = Bad

Is it just me or is it hard to keep all these groups straight? I need a list or something.

Alphabet soup to be sure.

my metric is this: If Randy's not afraid to be seen in public with them, then they are alright by me. :D

Thanks for all you do for the sportsmen of this country. Signed up and shared on Facebook

Alphabet soup to be sure.

my metric is this: If Randy's not afraid to be seen in public with them, then they are alright by me. :D

Is there a cheat sheet available? I get mixed up easily.

We need a list of all these organizations so we can keep straight which ones stand for what.
Is there a cheat sheet available? I get mixed up easily.

We need a list of all these organizations so we can keep straight which ones stand for what.
I know its doesn't sound exciting or fun but you really need to do some research on these organizations yourself.
I hope I don't sound like an ass when I say if you need to know others opinions about politics before you know where you stand you're doing it wrong.
Fortunately you are asking questions and showing interest which is more than most will do. Once you have done some research your anger will likely never allow you to confuse these groups with one another ever again.
Not what you asked for but I hope it helps!
I know its doesn't sound exciting or fun but you really need to do some research on these organizations yourself.
I hope I don't sound like an ass when I say if you need to know others opinions about politics before you know where you stand you're doing it wrong.
Fortunately you are asking questions and showing interest which is more than most will do. Once you have done some research your anger will likely never allow you to confuse these groups with one another ever again.
Not what you asked for but I hope it helps!

Well unfortunately not everybody has the time or desire to research every outdoor group and see what their agenda consists of. In a perfect world everybody would make time to do this. In the real world most people dont.

I try to stay out of political arguments. I found from my younger days that arguing politics with people really does not do any good. Most people have their mind made up before the conversation starts.

Good luck with your method of encouraging people to spend more time researching outdoor groups and politics.
Well unfortunately not everybody has the time or desire to research every outdoor group and see what their agenda consists of. In a perfect world everybody would make time to do this. In the real world most people dont.

I try to stay out of political arguments. I found from my younger days that arguing politics with people really does not do any good. Most people have their mind made up before the conversation starts.

Good luck with your method of encouraging people to spend more time researching outdoor groups and politics.
I apologize if I offended you.
I apologize if I offended you.

Not necessary at all. You are right. People should be more involved with this type of thing along with a pile of others. It's gotten to the point where our average hunter has no idea what these groups stand for. I'm sure there are plenty of cases where people were actually supporing a group becasue the name sounded good without knowing what they are really about. Walk up to a hunter in the field and ask if they support BGF, SFW, RMEF, and WTF and they will probably tell you yes to all of them unless they are in the minority of hunters who keep up with all this stuff. I think it is particularly difficult becasue so many NR hunters don't ever hear about this stuff in thier home state.
Not necessary at all. You are right. People should be more involved with this type of thing along with a pile of others. It's gotten to the point where our average hunter has no idea what these groups stand for. I'm sure there are plenty of cases where people were actually supporing a group becasue the name sounded good without knowing what they are really about. Walk up to a hunter in the field and ask if they support BGF, SFW, RMEF, and WTF and they will probably tell you yes to all of them unless they are in the minority of hunters who keep up with all this stuff. I think it is particularly difficult becasue so many NR hunters don't ever hear about this stuff in thier home state.

I think a lot of that is very true. Here's my take: There are a lot of groups out there that do great work, and a lot that don't. I strongly disagree with the way that Big Game Forever, Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife and their various state affiliates have tried to take credit for wolf delisting, attempted to end the North American Model for a more privatized model and in general, they're asshats & crooks.

Other groups, like Safari Club, NRA, etc have a lot of baggage as well:

My own, personal preference falls around state based groups like Montana, New Mexico, Idaho, Wyoming Wildlife Federations who work on policy issues. On the National level, I look for who is standing up for public lands, and public wildlife rather than simply trying to increase hunter opportunity. To that end, I support Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Trout Unlimited and National Wildlife Federation & Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

It would be nice if there was a cheat sheet on the many groups, but until then, a little leg work is a good thing. :)

Regarding Sportsmen for Access: It's not a group, it's a campaign to promote the Land & Water Conservation Fund and has links to like-minded organizations:

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