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Awesome articles by Dr Kevin (Doctari) Robertson (author of Perfect Shot) and John J. Jackson !!!
Jackson's interview points out how the USFWS is screwing wildlife worldwide and US hunters. Robinson's gives certain unnamed PH's hell for playing to camera----can you say Ivan Carter?? BTW, I have met Ivan---he is charming, charismatic and a proven good hunter.....but he does "play" with Ele's too much for my liking---great videos tho ....for those who would like to unneccessicarily risk their lives.
Awesome articles by Dr Kevin (Doctari) Robertson (author of Perfect Shot) and John J. Jackson !!!
Jackson's interview points out how the USFWS is screwing wildlife worldwide and US hunters. Robinson's gives certain unnamed PH's hell for playing to camera----can you say Ivan Carter?? BTW, I have met Ivan---he is charming, charismatic and a proven good hunter.....but he does "play" with Ele's too much for my liking---great videos tho ....for those who would like to unneccessicarily risk their lives.
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