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Sports afield


New member
Feb 27, 2008
Soddy Daisy, TN USA
Get the July/August issue.
Awesome articles by Dr Kevin (Doctari) Robertson (author of Perfect Shot) and John J. Jackson !!!

Jackson's interview points out how the USFWS is screwing wildlife worldwide and US hunters. Robinson's gives certain unnamed PH's hell for playing to camera----can you say Ivan Carter?? BTW, I have met Ivan---he is charming, charismatic and a proven good hunter.....but he does "play" with Ele's too much for my liking---great videos tho ....for those who would like to unneccessicarily risk their lives.
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It was sent out as a complimentary copy to a wide array of folks. I usually read it in the dentists office and it seemed like this issue was heavier on the US mountain Big game than the Far flung Safari stuff that I associated SA with.

The subscription promo arrived yesterday. Good timing...
It was a good read, especially since my feature was in it. Anyone catch the article A Ghost in the Mountains?

Irregardless, both of the articles mentioned were probably one of the reasons it was sent out as a comp issue. A good way to bring more wood to the fire so to speak. Great articles from two excellent writers.
I haven't gotten to those articles yet, but I do enjoy the magazine! Many of the articles are "dream makers" for me even though many of those hunts I will never go on, but I do enjoy reading about them. I like the stable of writers they have and think Mrs. Rupp is the best editor in the sporting magazine field right now.

David- Now I have even more of a reason to read that article!!!! Thanks for posting.
I am personally aware of three Leopard, two Crocidile and one set of Hippo teeth that USFWS destroyed based on "technicalites"....all had proper CITES documentation. My Croc was held up three months because my import shipper was wise enuff to determine US regs----killed in ZAM, imported to RSA, taxidermy in RSA....initially only had RSA import/export tag----not country of origin and US does not consider Crocs endangered but exporting country must have CITES inport permit. I am aware of a poor sole who had his Croc confiscated and destroyed because "seal" had fallen off and was laying in its mouth rather than attached---your Obama Govvernment at work!!!
Yes, Ms Rupp has turned Sports Afield back into a very good mag...
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Sports Afield went from being great, to being mediocre, and is now back on track. I have always enjoyed the magazine and their push for North American western big game with no nonsense articles. Couple that with a staff of very good writers that aren't afraid to step on toes and a smattering of worldly adventures, the magazine is headed in the right direction. Diane has done a wonderful job with the magazine. I am glad she gave me the opportunity to write a freelance article for them.
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