Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

So, what's this bill about?

I don't think not being able to land an aircraft on national forest is anything new (at least around Montana).
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It's obviously designed as another way to prevent us from getting onto landlocked public land that either landowners or oufitters have access to and don't want any DIY people interferring on that land. Just so happens that Bill Harris, the sponsor, happens to be an outfitter!!!
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Some jackass must have rented a helicopter to access landlocked public land and arrowed a smoker of a bull.

Yeah, some anti-landowner, anti-outfitter jackass. did that. What was he thinking? Definitely need a bill to restrict such activity.
I didn't read the entire thing, but heli-skiers get around similar landing rules by hovering a foot off the ground as they unload.
I don't know what the intention of the bill is, but it doesn't change the way you can currently hunt national forest.

So are you saying that the USFS already has something on the books disallowing that everywhere or are you just talking about designated wilderness areas within the NFs?
Living in California it can be pretty depressing as a hunter/gun owner. We're constantly attacked from the HSUS and the like, but after following the legislative activity in MT this session I find myself feeling much better.

Of all the stupidity going on up there though, the defunding of the wolf management plan is far and away the dumbest from my perspective...though it seems (from my outsiders perspective) that once word really gets out it could change.

As for the bird rental...they're killing jobs!!! I very seriously considered renting a bird last year when planning my MT hunt, and it is still on my radar in the future. Dad isn't super mobile, so if I can get him into some wilderness or roadless area without killing him with a hike I'm going to try and do it.
I don't have a link right now, but there was a story of two guys that flew into a landlocked 7 square mile section and shot a big bull last fall. They had their own aircraft. I don't know the specifics of where they landed or how, but it was in the Missoulian.

I have always thought about paragliding into a landlocked parcel, but that is just crazy. Maybe not as crazy as this legislative session. We need to get these "representatives" out!
It would keep you from landing in landlocked state, federal and even private land without a designated landing strip. Idaho currently has that rule but I don't know how much it really effects hunting here. I noticed the rule after I saw the episode where Fin did it in Montana.
So are you saying that the USFS already has something on the books disallowing that everywhere or are you just talking about designated wilderness areas within the NFs?
Actually after I read it more closely you can see section 2(2) has the same language. The bill seems just to create different penalties for using aircraft compared to a boat.

The bill still seems to be a gleam in Harris's eye (no bill number yet) so I don't know if it will even be heard. I just stumbled across it after hearing about his HB 507 (another anti-bison bill). Thought it was funny given Fin's heli-hunt.
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