Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

So what happened to the "let's bash landowners thread"?

Greenhorn, What is the deal with the stick in the backpack on the right?

It made for easier packin..
I've learned over the years that you should be careful on public land in Montana with antlers tied to your pack. This way isn't the best.. but I survived.
Nice, all the pics, FYI Ive NEVER killed an animal of substancial size (only meat does on the ranch) ON LAND THAT WASNT OPEN TO YOU, WEATHER IT BE PUBLIC or PRIVATE...

Again, I just dont see what the "happy medium" is between landowners/game/the govt and the public, again I dont know the solution and although I have some problems with what is going on now with leasing/tags/ect, I also have problems with how the landowners are being scrutinized.

In MOST cases, I DONT have a problem with them privately leasing the hunting rights to their land, you probably figured that out.

The phrase private land does have alot of pull, unfortunately (I think) for many of us. It does scare the heck out of me a bit when private land rights are intruded upon by non owners, this is a tough deal, but again, in the US, for the most part, private is private.
There's more comfortable ways of doing it, and better gear that help. Although 29" main beams tend to come in handy for balancing other gear also..
He he, GH, sure, let me post some names on a public forum to a bunch of people that have no qualms about hanging them without a trial, these are good people, I would like to think I am too. Dont ask for names from me, go see for yourself.

Take the family for a drive around our state some week durring the summer, knock on some doors, shake some hands, ask some questions. That way you are getting the truth firsthand and not just by what lil ol me says...sound fair?
You guys crack me up...Bragging about all these wonerful areas you have to hunt open to the public and then turning around and throwing a fit because there is some private ground where you arent allowed to sling lead.

Please refer to defenition of Hypocrite....

Again, Im not seeing what the problem is? Whats your beef? You all seem happy with where you hunt and the game you shoot, so what IS the problem with you not having as much acces as you would like on private lands?

Typical of me, Im missing something again.
200, I've hunted private land in the Bitterroot even, shot deer there too, many. I've also hunted on the stock farm.. Here's a private land buck I shot.. no lease money required. Go knockin..

You guys crack me up...Bragging about all these wonerful areas you have to hunt open to the public and then turning around and throwing a fit because there is some private ground where you arent allowed to sling lead.

Please refer to defenition of Hypocrite....

Again, Im not seeing what the problem is? Whats your beef? You all seem happy with where you hunt and the game you shoot, so what IS the problem with you not having as much acces as you would like on private lands?

Typical of me, Im missing something again.

Jose summed it up correctly.. it's not the landowners.. it the guys like you that will end up turning Montana into Texas.
Re...your door knocking, Im guessing you thought WHAT of the landowners you met?

Dont get me wrong, as I know there are some whacks out there, met a few, (landowners AND hunters), but I know a heckuva lot of good ones on both "sides"

So maybe the guy that drives across gumbo field to throw a 80lb speedgoat in the back of his 1T dually puts a sour taste in some landowners mouths, just like the landowner that is too lazy to post his land, but litterally funnels people in to his yard just to throw a fit puts a sour taste in some hunters mouths....BAD APPLES....
Taken in 1983 on private land anybody could and still can hunt .. no need to slap down money into anybody's hands either.

180+ on a first buck.. kind of ruins it for a kid, although almost 30 years later this youth is able to still smile about a mature Montana deer. Extra sweet when it's your own place too.. Yes, we let everybody hunt it.
Sooo again...whats the problem? You kids are so tickled with your hunting opportunities and the game you shoot, you're set, good for you guys, Im just lookin for a little something different, a little more of a challenge.

It is most likely I will never shoot a mule deer buck the rest of my life, the odds are against me waiting on what I am.

You if anyone should know what I am looking for will NEVER be easy, no matter what the circumstances are.

We're a long ways from Texas, both geographically and public opinion wise.

Not sure what connections you think I am preaching that will turn my home into Texas (I am assuming that you were talking game management)

Nice pics, keep em comin'.
Sooo again...whats the problem? You kids are so tickled with your hunting opportunities and the game you shoot, you're set, good for you guys, .

Are you really that selfish of an individual that you think people should be happy with what they have and not give a shit about what is best for others?

I have sent letters to States I have never hunted and NEVER will hunt to comment on their game management plans or on their land management plans, as appropriate. That is one of the cool things about part of the Hunttalk Community that there are people who aren't selfish bastards and actually care about the wildlife, the sport, and future generations of hunters.

Hopefully you will be able to see the error of your ways.
.....It's so hard to find a quality deer hunt in Montana.. I suggest leasing.

Thanks for the tip. What you dont seem to fathom is what you and I consider quality may vary a bit. I think I mentioned before I am very aware my expectations are to the point of being absurd, I unfortunately am not a very good sampling of what "most of us" want...

But I still...want.

Thanks for seeing my "opinion" for what you thought it was worth. I have tried to see yours, I see you are happy and content.

As far as hunting private lands, I hunt many, remember when I said I hadnt killed anything of considerable size where you couldnt hunt? That dosent mean I Couldnt have killed some spectacular animals, at least to other peoples standards, I just dont, I like hunting a little more than killing. I like a challenge a little more than I like looking at a bunch of identical size mounts on the wall. This is who I am, really, not a bad guy, just different, thats all.

Also, Kudos on some nice animals and moreso for the work Im sure you put in to get them, try not to forget Im paying my dues each season as well, in a big way (and not $)

So HC, whats BEST for others? Who do you mean, prolly YOU, as a hunter? Or did you mean landowners or outfitters or someone being a little more selective on what they like to shoot?

Yes, I am selfish, unfortunately, we all are, take a look in the mirror. You are pushing for what will in a way make YOUR life better or more enjoyable, so are the other folks caught up in this mess.

It would be "BETTER" for the Indians (Yes Indians, all that I know arent a big fan of being called Native Americans) if we all went back overseas and gave their land back....yes I know, nothing to do with landowners and leasing, but something to think about when you are talking about being selfish.
It’s okay to be delusional but I’m glad I’m not. I was looking at my collection of antlers earlier -- you know, just your basic shit pot beefy mule deer racks that all look the same. Was thinking of all the great times.. The last thing I want my kids thinking when they get older is that hunting success is measured in inches and best achieved by writing a check. I hope all of Montana doesn’t end up like that.
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