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So today...

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
SB 303 came out of House Local Gov't.
SB 348 was amended heavily and fairly decent now. Mike Phillips (D-Bozeman) did a fantastic job straightening the thing out. I still think that it's superflous and bad policy to set a FWP's wolf budget in statute. We'll see how it gets implemented.
SB 134 was taken off the table, and then put back on it by a 9-11 vote against.

SB 255 is on it's way to the Gov's desk. If you want it vetoed as bad as I do, email him: [email protected] and tell him VETO SB 255!

SB 306 heads to the Governor. This bill would do an end run against the voter initiatives to ban cyanide heap leach mining, while giving the Golden Sunlight mine a captive audience for their leaching process.

HB 159 was amended heavily and sent out of Senate Fish and Game. Still a bad bill. Senator Shockley will carry it on the floor.

SB 237 is on it's way to the Governor. This bill would force the testing and slaughtering of elk for brucellosis reduction. We are hopeful for a veto. [email protected] is place to send the comments.

Senate Fish and Game meets tomorrow. They will be doing more Executive Action as well as hearing HB 607 and HB 372.

Thursday is a big day, House FWP will be hearing SB 400 and Senate Fish and Game will be hearing HB 285. Both of these bills are bad bills. We need every available person to attend meetings. If you can make it, Thursday at 3 pm will be both Senate and House hearings.
SB 303 came out of House Local Gov't.
SB 348 was amended heavily and fairly decent now. Mike Phillips (D-Bozeman) did a fantastic job straightening the thing out. I still think that it's superflous and bad policy to set a FWP's wolf budget in statute. We'll see how it gets implemented.
SB 134 was taken off the table, and then put back on it by a 9-11 vote against.

SB 255 is on it's way to the Gov's desk. If you want it vetoed as bad as I do, email him: [email protected] and tell him VETO SB 255!

SB 306 heads to the Governor. This bill would do an end run against the voter initiatives to ban cyanide heap leach mining, while giving the Golden Sunlight mine a captive audience for their leaching process.

HB 159 was amended heavily and sent out of Senate Fish and Game. Still a bad bill. Senator Shockley will carry it on the floor.

SB 237 is on it's way to the Governor. This bill would force the testing and slaughtering of elk for brucellosis reduction. We are hopeful for a veto. [email protected] is place to send the comments.

Senate Fish and Game meets tomorrow. They will be doing more Executive Action as well as hearing HB 607 and HB 372.

Thursday is a big day, House FWP will be hearing SB 400 and Senate Fish and Game will be hearing HB 285. Both of these bills are bad bills. We need every available person to attend meetings. If you can make it, Thursday at 3 pm will be both Senate and House hearings.

Does HB 159 still include the repeal of rifles for upland birds and spring turkey??
I forgot this:

SB 157 was heard today in House FWP. The bill would create an account where Hunters could donate a dollar or more when purchasing licenses. This account would be used to help pay for processing of donated game.

Currently, Food Banks have to either work out donation arrangements through processors or pay for processing themselves. While many of the processors are donating their time and services, some are charging a minimal amount (not full price).

The bill was endorsed by FWP, MWF and had no opponents.

During executive action, the committee voted the bill down, and then tabled. The excuse was "gov't shouldn't be fostering charity."
We are trying to put togethet a road trip for Thursday.
I forgot this:

SB 157 was heard today in House FWP. The bill would create an account where Hunters could donate a dollar or more when purchasing licenses. This account would be used to help pay for processing of donated game.

Currently, Food Banks have to either work out donation arrangements through processors or pay for processing themselves. While many of the processors are donating their time and services, some are charging a minimal amount (not full price).

The bill was endorsed by FWP, MWF and had no opponents.

During executive action, the committee voted the bill down, and then tabled. The excuse was "gov't shouldn't be fostering charity."

retaliation, pure and simple....
anybody from Bozeman area wanna go? If you don't mind riding with an asshole, I think I can swing it and have room for 3.
According to the Legislature website SB 255 still has to pass 3rd reading which is scheduled for tomorrow, so there is still time to defeat this bill! Please contact your legislator tonight and tell them to vote NO on SB255. It passed 2nd reading today by a 31-10 vote but there may still be hope if the Senators hear from enough people. Remember that HB 361 passed 2nd reading but was defeated on 3rd reading.
SB 255's remaining vote is on the House amendment. Failing on third means going to a conference committee.
Ben, thanks for the clarification. Should people urge their Senator to vote NO on SB 255 or to vote NO on the amendments to SB 255?
Does HB 159 still include the repeal of rifles for upland birds and spring turkey??

They amended out sections 1 and 6. I didn't catch the rest of the amendments. Casey Perkins from MT Audubon was in there and said that they made it a stricter version which just prohibits FWP and the Commission from restricting lead ammo and firearms, IIRC.
Ben, thanks for the clarification. Should people urge their Senator to vote NO on SB 255 or to vote NO on the amendments to SB 255?

If you want to write the senate, tell them to vote against the house amendments on SB 255.

I'd say go right to the Gov and ask him to veto too.
a conference committee is appointed and they don't agree and the bill dies, or they hash it out and then they report back to their bodies for a concurrence vote.
a conference committee is appointed and they don't agree and the bill dies, or they hash it out and then they report back to their bodies for a concurrence vote.

So Ben, if it comes out of conference, it has to be voted on again by both the full House and Senate? That would mean there could be a few more chances to kill the bill?
Theoretically yes.

The question is: can we influence a truly procedural vote on amendments to a bill they already passed?
I don't think I'd be very friendly. High probability of going to jail. I think I've turned into Onpoint.

The Horror.

It's a real pity for ya shoots. Turning into somebody who lives and breathes this stuff and is aware that the life blood and air it takes is a precious, limited and endangered commodity....... Or look at the bright side.........You can take pride in the fact that you are only doing your part, nothin more nothin less. The problem is - the "doin less" crowd has ya outnumbered and surrounded. Never stopped me, never will. It is a simple rule. YOU DEVOTE AS MUCH TIME TO TAKING CARE OF IT AS YOU SPEND USING IT. The old Economics 101 principle of the "free rider" should have no place in the sportsmen world.
From our lobbyist, George Golie,

HB 363 wolf management account was passed out on a party line vote.

HB 475 Trapper Education passed out 8-2.

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