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So no one gives a sheit about africa ??


New member
Feb 27, 2008
Soddy Daisy, TN USA
Been three months since a post....
Well, by Gawd I do!
Thirtythree days and I will arrive in Lusaka! I will be met and helped thru Customs by the lovely , charming , glistening Christine and charming lovely mocha Salma....my Little Blue Pills will be with me!
This will be my last trip to Zambia. Primary will be my second and last try in the Bangweuleu Swamps for Sitatunga.....ummmm unless I dont connect....spiral horns can be addicting! Wish I cud afford Bongo, Lord Derby and the Mtn Nyala! But I can't...

When my friend Peter Chipman, Kwalata Safaris and I leave the swamp for his concession on the Luangwa, I hope he has found a private conservancy on the way for us to chase Cookson Wildebeeste and DeFassa Waterbuck.That wud be a good thing!
On the concession, there is Sharps Grysbok, a tiny one I really want! We will also chase Cape Buffalo to find one I want. Hippo and Croc seeking will keep the days from being long and boring....
If I was told that I could only hunt one animal a year, my choice wud be Cape Buffalo! What an awesome animal! What a rush from 10 yards in the tall grass! I love hunting those bastards!
Whew!! I had to read this a couple of times. Trying to read all of those unusaul words makes one tired. Good luck on your trip and looking forward to the pictures.
Tom...sounds like a great and exciting hunt...you'll have to take a lot of pics and explain which is which when you return.
I'm curious...what calibers will you be using?
Good luck...great hunting and have a safe trip! Hope you fill your 'doe' tags too!!!! :hump:
I agree Tom, Not alot of interest on this site about Africa. Pretty much gave up. Spend most my time on the bowsite. Leaving in 8 days for South Africa. Will be bowhunting with Dries Visser Safaris. This will be the wifes first time hunting. She went last year but just watched. Should be exciting. I'll post pictures on the bowsite when I get back. Good luck on your hunt.
Not true. We all have an interest in Africa, but some of the concessions we read about are not the same as we read when we were growing up and dreaming of the Dark Continent. We still like to read your stories and drooling over your pictures. John
I have heard nothing but good on Dries Visser and the guy I hunt with and does my taxidermy in SA is really a long bow hunter at heart! Stick some good ones!
SMALLS....duh....all look alike in the dark! Color does not rub off....
FORMER GRAND POOBA....no sheit!!! I wud be huntin Ele and Rhino if finances didn't matter!
DUCKHEAD, taking 7mmMag for Sitatunga, Cookson Wildebeeste if we have a chance and a couple of solids for it to make small taxidermy reparable holes in little Sharps Grysbok if we get lucky and I have a shot at one. The trusty old .416Rigby will deliver 400gr SP's to any Cape Buff, Hippo or Croc we might encounter.
Just when you thought you'd heard it all some guy says, "I'm going to Africa... hopefully gonna find some strange". Just remember, I believe that disqualifies you from donating blood to the American Red Cross for life.

Kudos to you, I hope you stick a booner, err whatever, on your trip (really, in all seriousness, good luck on the hunts. I can't wait to see the pics((well, maybe not all the pics, but the ones of you wearing a safari had and carrying a weapon with a wild animal in the foreground)))
Won't take my blood anyway anymore due to a little cancer incident!
When I retired from my Day Job, some buddies who own a firm in Atlanta area put me on a consultant contract....ran a number of jobs for them including just terrible assignments on 10 or so Caribean Islands...I learned neither language nor color is a barrier....
12 Days !!!
Went to range Monday....nobody goes to range on Labor Day...so I had it pretty much by my self! Broke out 7mmMag first....shooting off tripod...no adjustments at 100yds as it was under MOA with Hornady, just slightly above 3" high. Moved to 300yd range, again on sticks....little operator error probably but a 4.5" five shot slightly low.
Took a deep breath and back to 100 yd and broke out the .416Rigby....ouch!!! Meant to shoot 50, 75 and 100....shot three at 100 off sticks and got 3" group around Bull...said that is enuff!

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