Snowy Canada Geese


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north
Got the call from ND Muley Buster yesterday that he found a few birds that hadn't quite left North Dakota. Most of the state is frozen up and birds have become scarce (I'd actually kinda given up hope on another waterfowl hunt this year). Well, we set up this morning with a fairly large spread of 12 or 13 dozen fullbody dekes and another 4 dozen silo's. The geese were late getting up but when they did we were rewarded.

The 7 of us took our limit of 21 honkers and ND muley even got himself a specklebelly goose.

Here's an unadulterated pic of our birds.

Next is the crew, again thanks Ty.

Last, but certainly not least (this ones for you mtmiller), is a pic of Ace, the crews retriever today. Both he and his master were great to hunt with. Ace retrieved every bird, even a bird that sailed on us and ended up about 1/2 mile away!
"unadulterated photo...." And to think I was gonna call "Photoshop" on 'ya.... ;)

Congrats on a great day of whacking 'em. How the hell do you guys pull your guns up? You all look like the Michelein Man. :eek:

We're heading out in the Morning, and the field we are going to has a ratio of 300 Canadas to 1 Snow. Guess what bird is gonna get "targeted"??? :cool:
In the first flock of birds that came in this morning, there was a single snow. Those birds ended up just skirting the spread, but like you said had it come anywhere close to the dekes all seven guns would have been pointed at it. The speck also came out of that flock but since it came in on the other end, I didn't get a shot at it. The next flock that came over also had a single speck in it, but they weren't close enough to attempt to knock them out of the sky.
Were thinknig about going out and Not setting up Dec's, With Gunner and Me we probably have 200+ So how funny is that if we set only 3 up :)

I'm also gunna bring my bow...... :D
:eek: COOL!!! My boy and I were out Thursday , at Tiber Reservoir and got our limits too(8)on honkers. Most of the smaller lakes are "hard" so if you find open water all you need to do is Wait. hump :wank:

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