PEAX Equipment

Smokers/Non Smokers, dumb laws


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho

Although I don't smoke... I'm tired of hearing about this crap !!! Either make it illegal, or let them sell it.

Seriously, the laws pick and choose what they want. If it's legal, let them sell it. Move on. Next, when I'm in a tub of Ben/Jerries I'll have to look at a Fat guy eating it on the label....

If anything, they should have labels on politicians !!!
Wow! Somebody with a common sense approach to this ongoing BS.
Will need to go buy you a Ben/Jerrys on 10th Street then take you down to the dive bar across the street while I smoke a cigar and have a beverage. Keep in mind you will have to burn your clothes when you get home.
Like you, Moosie, I'm tired of hearing about it. No, I'm sick and tired of it. I've smoked off and on for most of my adult life; maybe not the smartest thing to do, but until the 70's it was my choice. Then gradually it became the choice of people who don't even know me. For those of you under fifty or so yrs. of age, you grew up in the upwardly spiraling media blitz which was all a part of the newly embraced anti-smoking movement; a movement which began after the Vietnam war when the multitude of mindless socially conscious do nothings in this country no longer had the antiwar banner to carry, so they picked up the anti-smoking banners and ran with them. The idiot media ran with them too, for they were out of anything to report which would sustain their frenzy for more than a couple of days at a time, and this was just their cup of tea. The news back in the late 70's and well into the 80's was heavily dominated by the frenzy, reporting on every little finding the so called experts came up with which could reflect negatively on smoking. The medical and scientific researchers saw an opening then, and all of a sudden the entire field of research was sucking up billions of taxpayer dollars in grants to tell us what our fathers had been telling us since we were ten years old.

When that routine began wearing thin and everyone was becoming complacent with it and research showed that many people who developed or died of lung cancer had never smoked, they now jumped on the secondary smoke bandwagon; more research, more billions of dollars of tax money, and here comes the press in lock step.

What they never told you was that some people are genetically predisposed to develop cancer, and can be just as much or more in danger of developing cancer from Benzine which is off gassed from the upholstery products in their car as they ride around sucking it up with every breath in quantities many times beyond the danger level. They drive their lazy asses around parking lots looking for a parking slot 10 feet closer than one they just passed, sucking someone else's exhaust into their dash intakes to be inhaled. Sucking up and touching hundreds of carcinogens which are out there and well known of by the medical and scientific community. These are but a few of the things which will give you lung cancer and contribute to heart disease, but they don't make good press, and they're not so easily blamed on someone else as is the smoking scam. Would you believe that the city of Boulder, CO, the hotbed of liberal thought in the RMW: Berkley East as I like to call it, has made it illegal for you to smoke in your own car as you drive about their fair city. I wonder if they have to capture their own methane output to keep it from diminishing the ozone layer. What a sad bunch of idiots.

Since this rant is getting a bit long in the tooth, I'll cut it off and invite any and all comment, be it in agreement on not. RT
We are surrounded by People who are not happy if they can't push through a Law or push an Idea about how they want you to live in their world. You better do more than get mad about it you need to make everyone around you mad about what is happening in this Country. Damn bunch of Limp wristed Golf playing split tails that are in office are after your way of life! John
Okay, now we need to call TH *The Professor*. I found his post very well written, not really slamming anybody, but just some facts for smokers/non-smokers to digest. Way to go prof! Without going off the deep end, one way or another.......
My Grandad died of lung cancer at the old age of 63. My uncle died of lung cancer at the old age of 59. My dad died of lung cancer at the old age of 69. I don't see a problem with putting pictures of what will happen to you if you smoke. Make it graphic, I don't care. Maybe, just maybe with the pictures they might save a few lives.
My Grandad died of lung cancer at the old age of 63. My uncle died of lung cancer at the old age of 59. My dad died of lung cancer at the old age of 69. I don't see a problem with putting pictures of what will happen to you if you smoke. Make it graphic, I don't care. Maybe, just maybe with the pictures they might save a few lives.

I'm sorry you weren't able to enjoy them any longer than you did. Perhaps your family is genetically predisposed to cancer, as that is a bit young for so many so close together. Who knows? The graphics might be a good idea indeed, as would graphic scenes of horribly morbid fatal auto accidents on liquor and beer containers. Maybe driver training manuals should have something similar interspersed throughout so new drivers might think it prudent to become a good driver. No, I don't think that would work either, for these same people who rail against smoking are probably all drinkers, and that would be hitting too close to home, and their children will be taking driver's education and we wouldn't want them to be traumatized by unpleasant pictures of maimed motorists.

My rant isn't against the idea of the graphics, it's about a certain type of people who think it their mission in life to modify and manipulate the lives of others to suit their own image of how we all should behave and think. They've a distorted idea of what liberty is all about, and are hell bent on imposing their ideas on the rest of the world under the guise that it's for the betterment of man. BS, it's for the inflation of their ego and because their lives are otherwise so insignificant and benign that they feel they must accomplish something or be a part of something such as this in order to justify and quantify their very existence. This is their way of being one of society's heroes. and if research could be conducted on such, I'd be willing to bet the farm that the vast majority of them will pull the Democratic lever yet again come 2012.

I thoroughly despise Socialists, and that's the way our homeland is gravitating. Rant over for now!

Just an FYI, when I took drivers ed in HS, they did show some graphic videos of people all mangled and dead in car wrecks...most of them drunk driving incidents.

I still remember them quite well and I'm glad they showed them.

As to your arguments regarding "liberty" and "freedom" to smoke, drink like a skid-row bum, etc.

Hell I agree with you...I also think that people who want the freedom to smoke, do drugs, drink in excess, etc. should be denied health insurance. They're so much smarter than everyone else, they should be smart enough to pay for the treatment of their "freedoms".

I'm tired of my insurance premiums having to be increased year after year because of others "freedoms"...

Freedom isnt "free"...and when your "freedoms" infringe on mine, and I have to pay for them....there is a problem.

Smoke all you want, drink all you want, do all the drugs you want...but fuggin' dont ask me to pay for your crap choices. Drink and drive and kill someone...IMO, thats premeditated murder...I'd seek the death penalty on that.

Get in a wreck while driving drunk, call your friends or family to help you, I dont want my tax dollars paying to send an EMT, ambulance, etc. to save your drunk ass. You're smart enough to excercise your "freedom" to drink and should be smart enough to figure out how to get yourself out of trouble.

Smoke and develop lung cancer, emphysema, etc....great, either pay out of pocket for treatment or die, I couldnt give a shit less.

People need to own their choices and "freedoms"...few do. They whine about individual freedoms, yet expect society to cover their poor choices once they develop a problem from their freedom to choose.

Fuggin' hypocrits...and largely dont deserve the freedoms they have.
I've never met a smoker who didn't know cigs were bad for them. If they want to smoke, then that is their choice. I really don't think they have an excuse for not knowing the consquences.

I'm not supporting smoking, but like others have said, I'm tired of the government trying to manage every little corner of our lives.
People need to be held financially, legally, and morally responsible for their "freedoms"....period.
I've never met a smoker who didn't know cigs were bad for them. If they want to smoke, then that is their choice. I really don't think they have an excuse for not knowing the consequences.

I'm not supporting smoking, but like others have said, I'm tired of the government trying to manage every little corner of our lives.

Well said...
I also agree with a good portion of what Buzz says. But where does that end. What if you downhill ski or like motocross or other high risk activities, should your insurance costs be higher as well? I do agree your employer should be able to penalize you for certain health risks you impose on yourself via poor fitness or high risk (some do this). Many are making you go through a fitness screening and you pay higher co-pays if your a couch potato or smoker, good for them. Most Americans are fat, lazy, and killing themselves.
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Well said...
I also agree with a good portion of what Buzz says. But where does that end. What if you downhill ski or like motocross or other high risk activities, should your insurance costs be higher as well? I do agree your employer should be able to penalize you for certain health risks you impose on yourself via poor fitness or high risk (some do this). Many are making you go through a fitness screening and you pay higher co-pays if your a couch potato or smoker, good for them. Most Americans are fat, lazy, and killing themselves.

I think more than a few liberals have wanted to raise insurance prices for people who keep guns in the house too.

Although I don't smoke... I'm tired of hearing about this crap !!! Either make it illegal, or let them sell it.

Seriously, the laws pick and choose what they want. If it's legal, let them sell it. Move on. Next, when I'm in a tub of Ben/Jerries I'll have to look at a Fat guy eating it on the label....

If anything, they should have labels on politicians !!!

Good post Mooseman.. the Gov't needs to F..OFF!:hump:

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Well we should be financially, morally, and legally responsible for our freedoms right?

Yeah, I reckon :D

I remember when a bunch of the big cities in the US decided to sue gun manufacturers for the crimes committed with their handguns.

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