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Slob Hunters on the Loose Get BUSTED


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Thanks to some hunters who care, there will be a few less slobs in the field. :)

Sunday morning: Individual caught shooting an elk in a closed area, not 1/4 mile off road and within 1/2 mile of a building. This was in Grand Teton National Park. Called in and caught by Park Ranger.

Tuesday morning: Cow moose shot and left. Another hunter called in and reported it. Description of hunter and truck given. Truck matching the description was located at a motel in town. This was in Grand Teton National Park also. When we stopped, they were looking for the brass from his rifle while they awaited a metal detector to search for them. This guy will be toast! hump

On the news last night some A hole got caught using house "kittens" to train his "lion" dogs. Well, it aint the first time its been done, but the nit wit punk (an 18 year old hound hunter from Kalispell) flat out claimed there was nothing wrong with the practice and he'll continue to do it!!! I am trying to figure out if he is a naive punk or an activist that is trying really hard to make hound hunters look bad!?!? Aaargh!

Personally, I dont like cats and I especially dont like stray cats, but if I was to use them to train my dogs I'd deny it at all costs if confronted!!!
Glad to hear about the hunter(s) getting caught. I hope they strip them of everything they have to do with hunting and shooting. :mad: :mad: I hope this doesn't ruin that cow elk hunt in the Teatons for the future that'll really tick me off, it was a great hunt last year. Keep us posted on what the state, game department and local officials do to them.
Quick Draw
Guess they didn't find the truck. As it turns out they are still looking for the creep.

A cow moose was illegally shot and killed yesterday in the Kelly Hayfields east of Blacktail Butte in Grand Teton National Park. Two individuals who were legally hunting elk in the area, saw a man shoot the moose from a distance of less than a quarter of a mile. They said he then approached the carcass, then went back to his truck and left the scene. The witnesses then called Park rangers with a description of the suspect and his vehicle. Rangers arrived on the scene and located the dead cow moose just 200 yards north of the pole line road in the hayfields of Hunt Area 75. The moose calf was found lingering near its dead mother. Park biologists said the loss of his mother has significantly reduced his chances of survival. Park rangers are searching for a late model Dodge Ram 4-wheel-drive pickup with California plates. The vehicle is a silver/gray extended cab truck with a long bed and no topper. The suspect is reported to be a clean-shaven, 6-foot tall, white male in his late twenties or early thirties, who was wearing an orange baseball cap. Anyone who sees someone fitting that description should call the Park's dispatch center at 739-3301. He was last seen yesterday morning at around 8, driving towards Kelly on the Antelope Flats road.
I sure hope that they catch soon before all the animals are gone. I'dlike to know what's going through his mind when he does this? This guy is NOT a hunter he is a killer.
Quick Draw
I wonder if he was one of these fools that thought he was shootung an Elk and when he got closer he found it to be a moose. Wouldnt be the first time its happend. Bout 15 years back a California hunter here in Wyoming shot a ranchers MULE! Cleaned it out and everything, had it in the back of his truck. He stopped in Big Piney to fill up with gas and was bragging about the beautiful BLACK cow elk he had shot. Well everyone in the station went out to look and sure enough it was a mule. Still havent figured out how he thought it was a cow though, maybe the guy was lacking down south or something ;).

Anywho, I hope they catch that SOB wherever he is and throw the book at him big time!!!!!!
Sako, I am sure it was just that case. He was seen shooting it and walking up to it and then going back to his truck and leaving. There have been several bull elk shot the past two weeks and left. Other hunters have called in the wounded bulls to try to claim them with their antlerless tags. I think one that called in may have been busted for doing the shooting. The Park Rangers, Game & Fish and the Wyoming Highway Patrol were all there questioning a hunter and witnesses. G&F then brought the bull to be donated. There are people out there herd shooting at 800-1000 yards. Just don't make sense to be like that.
Sako, along those same lines, a few years ago a guy came to the check station at the North Kaibab Ranger Station bragging about the beautiful white doe deer he'd shot. When the range went to look, he recorded the serial number that was tatto'd on the horse's lip and called the owner. It was not only not a deer, it wasn't a female. Some folks just don't pay attention.
