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Sirui T-024SK Tripod w/ VA 5 head


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2010
Fort Collins, CO

I'm thinking very seriously about pulling the trigger on the Sirui tripod package next week. Originally, I was thinking about getting the Slik 234 w/ the VA 5 head. I like the Slik better since it is full height. It is hard to justify the price difference since I basically always sit down to glass. I also like the Leupold carbon fiber tripod at my local Scheels, again, the price point is much higher.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I like the VA5 head. Its pretty smooth and awesome. I have a T-025 which is similar to the 024 but with more sections if I understand their numbering code. It's very lightweight and packable. To be stable, It can't be fully extended which means you can't stand and glass.
I recently upgraded my tripod to the Sirui T-004SK w/ VA-5 Head. It’s an excellent product, even better than what I expected. Doubt you would be disappointed with that set up.
I recently upgraded my tripod to the Sirui T-004SK w/ VA-5 Head. It’s an excellent product, even better than what I expected. Doubt you would be disappointed with that set up.
Got a deal on same tripod. Just saw the rebate on table & will send today. Using it for a lazer level today.
I recently upgraded my tripod to the Sirui T-004SK w/ VA-5 Head. It’s an excellent product, even better than what I expected. Doubt you would be disappointed with that set up.

Second this, recently upgraded to the same package and wishing I did it sooner, money well spent

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