Caribou Gear

Similar to Gerald's Small World thread but different.....


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
Gallatin Valley, MT
I, too, find this this forum extremely useful.
The amount of knowledge about and dedication to the causes I identify with is unequaled. Many times I have stepped away out of irritation, yet keep coming back because of this sites practical utility. Some very good things have come from associations made here concerning Public Lands Sportsmens issues. That is why I am on here.

Jose Cuervo is an combative ass.
Buzz H. is an egotistical jerk.
Ben Lamb is, well, too damn diplomatic

I'm an opinionated SOB.

But I'm pretty sure the above mentioned guys (and other far less flamboyant but equally deserving) do more than a vast majority on here to ensure "hunters who prefer to hunt without guides on public lands" continue to have the opportunity to do just that.

Keep up the good work bad guys, because, "well behaved (wo)men rarely make history".
Huge thumbs up onpoint, laughing, and nodding my head in agreement.

Iron sharpens Iron. Butting heads and holding dearly to closely held points of view should be a part of the vigorous debates on many issues. Having a certain amount of HuntTalk historical perspective helps understand the aforementioned ass/jerk/diplomat (lovingly repeated) gentlemen and the many others (looking at you Kat, Big Fin and RobG) who prod me weekly to do my part, even from afar in Kansas.
...But I'm pretty sure the above mentioned guys (and other far less flamboyant but equally deserving) do more than a vast majority on here to ensure "hunters who prefer to hunt without guides on public lands" continue to have the opportunity to do just that.

Haha! Yes. Well stated.:)