NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Should ya, Would ya, Could ya - Bear Den

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
BEST town on EARTH
Weeks ago while hunting elk, I crossed a fresh bear track in the snow, up high in the Madison Mtns. I started to follow, mostly to size it up. After a few hundred hards and under a few fir trees, it was obvious it was an extra huge black bear. The elk hunting was dismal, so I kept following the track, often times through 3 ft of snow. It kept going up the drainage, and along a north facing blowdown infested hell hole. I assumed it was heading back to a den site, and decided my day was a bear hunting day now. The track was very fresh, hours at the most, I slowly followed, carfully looking for tracks going in, and coming out of piles of downed timber in the snow. After about 1.5 miles it looked like it went in, and there were no fresh tracks coming out, but some older tracks around. I figured this was it. I set up and started doing my best fawn in distress call.
The shot would be 15 yards. I called until I lost my voice and nothing. I decided to poke my head under that snag.

Turned out it wasn't the den, the bear walked over the log and the fresh tracks headed out and up, where I couldn't see them. I followed uphill another hundred yards and found the actual den. While I was calling, the bear had came out, sidehilled and obviously saw me, then continued down the ridge at a brisk stride. I followed lower, close to another mile, and could tell the bear was headed up to dry patches. I called it a day, and was spent.
WOW! What a decision. I have been actively hunting bears for 50+ years and still have no pelt hanging on my wall.
I'm not sure I would have had your restraint...