Shot trap.....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Adventures with Trap Shooting.....

For the First time EVER !!!! Went with some Really great people and had a Kick "A" time. I Emailed BuglELK (Corey) and thought it would be good to finally meet since he hooked me up on that Kodiak deal last year. Luck would have it he was free and game.

Pictures to follow but pictures can't capture the amount of fun we had... Even though he did beat me the 2nd round by a point :BLEEP: :BLEEP:
1 pointer, you brought back a memory.
One afternoon,about 8 years ago, I took all my employees to McCreas sporting clays. My deceased secratary who had never shot a gun before beat my brother. Boy did we have FUN that day!:) It's like goofy golf with firearms.
The morning started off great. Buglelk showed up at Mc D's before the rest of the guys. I was first but just because I was Excited being able to go out with Friends. Unlike S.S. that posts here, and does everythnig SOLO ... *smile*, I like to be accompanied by men.... Uhhhh What I mean is.... Uhhhh Anyway, Moving along !!

Every body started showing up and OZ was late. You'll realize later why but we didn't know at first. It was because he was looking for his medication and I think never found it. Pictures to follow. (Some of you might recognize him from the AK pictures a couple years ago with that behemoth Moose).

I've talked to BuglELK several times on the phone, He hooked me up with the Kodiak hunt last year and we've Emailed alot. Top knotch guy. But to be honest, you never know that till you meet someone in person. He showed up with his Zipper Wide open at McDonalds. Me ,being who I am, didn't hesitate to remind him although I play Qweer on the net, in person I don't swing on the Grape vine. We had alot of laughs at McD's and one of my good friends Dave asked me how long I knew BuglElk, I was like, Well, for years... but I jsut met him this morning, He's someone from the Internet. Like always, a few jokes were handed out and we went on our way.

Here is the Gang at the first Stand :


Here is OZ, having not taken his Meds, Trying to figure out the best stance :


I would be soon to follow with several misses to start the day off. Here is me before I busted out the Wife beater :


The next Stand Oz is trying a Sneak approach to the Sporting Clays and using a Bench rest. Although most Pros don't use this Stance. I think he busted 4 of 4 at this location.


So I tried a little different stance. YAh, Still 0 for 4 :


The next stand really was bad. They came from the Left, and Shot across to the Right a little but away from you. I think this was another 0 for 4 :


BuglELK turned his head, Shot one shot, hit 2 with one shot on this next picture. HE claims to have never shot before but he was pulling clays from every angle :


Yah, Even he couldn't believe it !!! Whats next, Busting a Bird using only one arm ?!??!?!?! (Hehe)

When you go to the zoo, you tend to shoot more pictures of the Monkey and some of the following pictures are just that. Here is the Monley scratching his Arsch for good luck. :


The next series of pictures is a demonstration of how to "SHOOT" bust a clay, "JAM A GUN", "UN-JAM A GUN", and bust the 2nd Clay. Usually the lesson is $20/hr but OZ gave it for free this one time.



GUN Action opening with issues :


Shell stuck and New bird flying. Notice orange over the Left part of the screen :


Keeping an eye on the bird and he dislodges the shell.


A 2-fer. Kudos man !!


WOW is all I have to say !!!

Moving along here is BuglELK shooting from the Treestand Texas Style. He was truely a good shot. He brought his bow and took out a Clay pigeon with his bow and Arrow. Soemthing I've always wanted to see and it was Quiet cool. It did take him 2 shots but I won't hold that against him :


Please don't feed the monkeys :


Dave Perry was next. Although he likes to joke and I'm looking foward in the future to hunting with this man man, I think he only missed 1 bird the whole dang day and it was because we gave him a Shell with no BB's in it. I truely watched his form to learn some moves. (Just like the vieo I rented prior to my wedding night hump ) Sometimes that's what you have to do as a Friend. Here is another good stance and another 2 shots with 2 birds exploding :


Take your Pills next time OZ !!!


Looking good at stance finally but another 4 misses and I was on my way to being the first Skunked shooter in the history of trap shooting :


Dave showing me to keep the face close to the shotgun and your eye on the Clay. For another 4 hits !!



The we were off to the Rabbit Shoot. HEre is the Gang walking n the 90 + Degree weather :


The next and last stand was neat to me. We got to stand in the back of an Old Truck and shoot over the Front. I'm sure this is called the "TEXAS" stand. Although I sucked at it, I'm used to Ground sluicing birds, etc so it was fun. This machine launched clays on the ground roilling them from Left to right lgiving them a rabbit like movement. Most of the time it's birds that land and are still on the water I like.....but this rolling action was still fun to see the BB patern hit 18 feet from were the clay just came rolling through. If you look closely you can see my pattern around the black clay but it rolled on like I missed it. I counted that one as a hit since I was only 1 for 50 shots :


Here is Ladd wondering what was in the sheels that OZ just ate :


And all I have to say for this next picture is "WORK IT COWBOY" !!!!


The Shoot was a Kick "A" time. It was the first time I went out and 2 days later I'm still complaining about my shoulder. I don't care but even target loads hurt after a few shots when you have wimpy arms !!!

We were served hamburgers at the end and a Great time was had. Looking foward to my next Moosie and Gang Adventure !!!!
Oswald is a freakin' nut case. Remind him to take his meds next time or I will. Thanks for the pictures Moosie. Shootin sporting clays looks like a lot of fun.
I've heard people say that Moosie's a jerk, and others say that he is a really nice guy once you meet him in person. I figured he was going to be somewhere in between, so I left my fly open to give him the opportunity to show his true character. And like any really cool guy would do, he brought it up in front of everyone... :) But he made sure to let me know it was making him a little uncomfortable...

I had a blast! I'd never shot trap, sporting, or live pigeons before, heck, I can honestly say I probably shot more shotgun shells that morning than I have in my life combined, and Moosie was gracious enough to let me beat him the 2nd round, just so I didn't feel bad. Definitely a class act guy...

Thanks again for the invite Oscar. The activity was great, and the company was even better!


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