I've only routed for a day of specific shed hunting a handful of times. I'm far from knowledged on the subject.
I've found more antlers not looking than focused on finding. My dogs have found more though nose to the ground figure has its benefits.
How about you? What's worked and what did you find a waste of time?
This Meateater article was just released and I enjoyed it. Focused on deer though seems there are similarities to some extent.
I've found more antlers not looking than focused on finding. My dogs have found more though nose to the ground figure has its benefits.
How about you? What's worked and what did you find a waste of time?
This Meateater article was just released and I enjoyed it. Focused on deer though seems there are similarities to some extent.

How to Find Whitetail Sheds on Public Lands
Public land deer hunting is all the rage lately. It seems as if you can’t swing a tree saddle in a WMA parking lot without hitting at least a couple up-and-coming YouTube stars that hunt “beast” style. This focus on public ground, and the deer that call it home, is not relegated simply to hunting...