Yeti GOBOX Collection

Senator Portman response


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Decatur, OH
With everyone writing their senators and representatives, I took it upon myself to write Senator Portman again to voice my concerns about the current push for public land transfer. I wrote him previously to request his support for the re-authorization of the LWCF, which he mentions in his letter. Overall, I feel it was a pretty vague response with no mention of the transfer efforts I stressed in my letter to him or the fact that I wouldn't support a candidate that supports land transfer. I wish I would have saved my letter to him

Here is his response:

Dear Derek,

Thank you for contacting me with your support for protecting public lands. It is great to hear from you.

I understand your concerns with this matter and share your love of the outdoors. Ohio's lakes, rivers and wildlife are truly a treasure and protecting and preserving them is a top priority for me. During my tenure as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, I launched the National Parks Centennial Initiative in an effort to preserve our national parks.

Additionally, I have been proud to support measures to continue funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), established by Congress in 1965. The LWCF is the principal source of funds for federal acquisition of lands for outdoor recreation. It has underwritten the development of more than 37,000 projects nationwide, including projects at Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio, which is one of America's top ten most visited parks.

Most recently, I was proud to work with my colleagues to pass legislation that reauthorizes the LWCF for FY2016-FY2018 and secures $450 million for the program for FY2016.

Unfortunately, as American families have tightened their belts over the past couple of years and businesses have had to do more with less, the federal government has taken the opposite path, spending more, growing bigger, and becoming more involved in our economy and our lives. Getting our deficit and debt under control is the single most important step we can take to get our economy going, create the jobs we need so badly, and have federal funding available for priorities like national parks.

I am committed to working in a bipartisan manner to meet our economic and fiscal challenges by putting in place pro-growth measures and spending restraint. We need to promote new tax policies that take away the uncertainty and encourage innovation and investment and make us more competitive in a global economy. We must revisit health care reform to truly reduce costs, allowing working families and small businesses to afford access to care. We need sensible regulatory reform that reverses the growing burdens on employers that drive jobs overseas. Finally, we have to develop a national energy strategy that uses our own resources to stop our dangerous dependence on foreign oil.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to write. I am honored to represent you and the great state of Ohio in the United States Senate. For more information, please visit my website at Please keep in touch.


Rob Portman
U.S. Senator
Kind of vanilla don't you think.

My thoughts exactly. Nothing like beating around the bush and not answering the question directly. You gotta love the politicians tact for always avoiding a straight up "yes" "no" answer except for when their giving their "yays" or "nays" and it is too late for their constituents to protest. It's pretty telling that he closes out mentioning extracting our own oil, and he ain't fooling me when I think about where that oil is coming from. If he is talking about responsible extraction with the best concerns of all citizens, conservation, and the environment in check, I have no problem with it. Somehow, at this point (coming from someone who has most always voted Republican) I can't trust many Republicans to represent this view.
I know exactly what you are saying. I have always voted republican in the past but this election has me wondering just what th h@@l they are thinking quite a few are way out of touch with their electorate.
he'll maybe continue supporting some funds for Nat. Parks,but that wording told the story.

The Gubberment spends too much(ME/Congress votes in),but we have to cut somewhere...(US).
But he refuses to fully fund the Dept.s that do the work needed.