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Senator John Brenden and Block Management


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
Senator John Brenden has a placeholder bill, LC0053, received Jan. 15th, after the EQC meetings on the 8th and 9th, which reviewed the Legislative audit on the Block Management. LC0053's short title is - Prohibit individuals with conservation easements from block management program.
Wow... Just Wow...

Just goes to show you how far a politician with a grudge will go to try and prove a point...

He actually may have a point with this. Do we want landowners who already have Conservation Easements with guaranteed access to double dip and go enroll in Block Management?

Depending on how the bill is worded, I think it's an idea worth looking at.
He actually may have a point with this. Do we want landowners who already have Conservation Easements with guaranteed access to double dip and go enroll in Block Management?

Depending on how the bill is worded, I think it's an idea worth looking at.
As you know not all conservation easements have an access clause. I know the ones paid for by USDA don't. IMO, the folks entering into a CE and are ones you want in BM.
As you know not all conservation easements have an access clause. I know the ones paid for by USDA don't. IMO, the folks entering into a CE and are ones you want in BM.

Very true. Private CE's don't have access clauses either for the most part. FWP's CE's all have access clauses, IIRC (or at least the vast majority of them do). The jist of the audit of FWP's block management program was that landowners who enrolled in FWP CE's were double dipping by enrolling in Block Management as well. This is something that a fair number of hunters have complained about in the past.
I know we dont know the language yet, I posted it because I think it is something we need to be forewarned about and keep an eye on, be more proactive, rather than reactive. I hate playing defense and if we can be more offensive, maybe even see about getting a legislator to sponsor a hunter concerned bill so that sportsmens dollars arent paying for double dipping, then we can police ourself, in a sense. Then when a bill comes up at the legislature, hunters can rally behind a proactive, economically responsible bill.

I absolutely agree that its not proper for landowners to double dip on funds. Anyone have any idea what % of Block Mgmt falls into that area? But it should not prevent other types of easements from enrolling in Block.

It may come down to wording, but being that its Brendan... It would not surprise me if he tries for all Conservation Easements. Kinda seems like his MO.
I know we dont know the language yet, I posted it because I think it is something we need to be forewarned about and keep an eye on, be more proactive, rather than reactive. I hate playing defense and if we can be more offensive, maybe even see about getting a legislator to sponsor a hunter concerned bill so that sportsmens dollars arent paying for double dipping, then we can police ourself, in a sense. Then when a bill comes up at the legislature, hunters can rally behind a proactive, economically responsible bill.

Why don't we call Senator Brenden and offer our help instead?
He's the chairman of the Senate Fish & Game Committee and a duly elected Senator from his district. He deserves respect for those alone. He carries a lot of weight in the Senate.
He's the chairman of the Senate Fish & Game Committee and a duly elected Senator from his district. He deserves respect for those alone. He carries a lot of weight in the Senate.
I ain't saying go spit in his face, just don't jump in bed with a tiger and expect it to change his stripes. He'll say he collaborated with us on the bill to generate support, neglecting the fact he threw out all the good stuff. He'll find a way to use it to further his agenda, not ours.
I ain't saying go spit in his face, just don't jump in bed with a tiger and expect it to change his stripes. He'll say he collaborated with us on the bill to generate support, neglecting the fact he threw out all the good stuff. He'll find a way to use it to further his agenda, not ours.

Takes two to tango. If he does that, then his support crumbles. Just like if we did that.
I ain't saying go spit in his face, just don't jump in bed with a tiger and expect it to change his stripes. He'll say he collaborated with us on the bill to generate support, neglecting the fact he threw out all the good stuff. He'll find a way to use it to further his agenda, not ours.

I wonder why Sen. Brenden would want to work with anybody who starts with that attitude?

Politics is the art of the possible, contacting him and his staff and working together doesn't mean you have compromise your values for the sake of such a bill. Trust but verify.

I know for a fact that he will listen and most likely would tell you how far he can go and what he is willing and not willing to be put into a bill.

But if the attitude above is where the starting point is, why bother even bother talking to him?

Did you know that Sen. Brenden is the one who was responsible for extending the pheasant season into December? To say that he is anti-sportsman is luducrious. He is pro-managment, and would like to see FWP held accountable for their managment, or lack thereof. I would bet that he would welcome some input.
Did you know that Sen. Brenden is the one who was responsible for extending the pheasant season into December? To say that he is anti-sportsman is luducrious. He is pro-managment, and would like to see FWP held accountable for their managment, or lack thereof. I would bet that he would welcome some input.
Thanks, this is the answer to the question I asked.
I know for a fact that he will listen and most likely would tell you how far he can go and what he is willing and not willing to be put into a bill.
Well you know a lot more than Ben apparently. Had he said something to that effect I'd have a slightly different attitude.
I would bet that he would welcome some input.

I can't think of many people who disagree with Senator Brenden more than myself on issues related to hunting, fishing, access & wildlife conservation. Some of his beliefs and attempts at legislation are horrific and mind-boggling.

But I'd be the first person calling him and asking if I could help with this effort. A good idea is a good idea no matter where it comes from.
I can't think of many people who disagree with Senator Brenden more than myself on issues related to hunting, fishing, access & wildlife conservation. Some of his beliefs and attempts at legislation are horrific and mind-boggling.

But I'd be the first person calling him and asking if I could help with this effort. A good idea is a good idea no matter where it comes from.

(406) 783-8394. You may have to remind him that you are the NWF lobbyist ;)
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