SD archery antelope down!

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho

Hey! It's 11:55 PM and I my alarm will sound in 4 hours 40 minutes. I'm so jacked I can't even think straight.

I headed out of the office this afternoon with the idea to get out and chase lopes spot and stalk style for a few hours.

I head to my spot, find lot's of animals. I blow the first stalk on a lone soldier buck. About 1 hour later I locate a bachelor group of 3 nice bucks in an ideal place to put a sneak on. They're bedded near an old homestead, I get an old piece of machinery between us and do a ninja 400 yard stalk on them.

I peek around the side. they're still bedded. I laser them at 34 yards....."Dead antelope" thinks my head. I nock an arrow and draw and do a low crouch to clear the top and they blow and hop 10 yards or so and turn and look. 2 closest are facing head on, and behind them is one broadside. I pin him for 60 and touch it off. Looks good....and smack! They tear over the hill out of sight. I check impact location and find hair...brown hair but no blood. I find the arrow and find some blood on it, but not a lot. It's real greasy.

I follow to where I saw them last and only find a few spots of blood.

It's open country so I sit and glass expecting to see my buck piled up. Nope, he's still with the other 2 about 600 yards out. He's bedded. He has a faint red spot high on his chest..... Hit was high.

I watch for 30 minutes hoping he'll croak. Still laying down, he's quite alert with the other two bucks feeding. I run over the options.....I can't not go to work in the morn. I could come back Friday afteroon to recover but the meat would certainly be rot by then. I'm losing light fast so I decide to try to sneak on him and anchored him.
I snapped a few quick pics as I had a long drag back and wanted to get him on ice. Nice hooks on him and decent mass. My biggest archery buck so far.

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