Yeti GOBOX Collection

Scouting (photos)


New member
Aug 14, 2001
Hey boys, hope you're all enjoyin' this long hot one! I finally moved out of the big smog (city) and back to my mountain-boy roots!! :D It's humpday in the countdown to the season opener and I'm psyched!

Here's a few photos of some scouting - out the back door, up 7000 ft., campfire, beer, and stars, then glassin' the basins as the sun comes up...

Yeeeeehaaaaaawwwwww! Have a good one boys...
Nice pictures mtnboy. Glad to have you on board.
Mtnboy, Welcome to Moosie's Hunttalk. Those are some great pics. What part of the country are you from?? The Norhtwest is a pretty big area. :cool:
This Isn't the Mntboy that made a Picture Of Moosie From Another Site is it ?~?~?~ (Actually I hope so

Even If it's not, Welcome Aboard Mi Amigo.... Someone that likes Hunting BEARS is WELL WELCOMED HERE !!!!!!!!

Thanks boys, this board seems like an alright spot and it's even close to home! Moosie, I don't know what you're talkin' about...

"Idaho - where the men are men and the sheep are scared! ;)"