
Scope mounts that "fit" both Weaver and Picatinny bases.


Mar 19, 2019
Hi All,

I have mounted several scopes over the years but am certainly no expert. I recently bought a new Steiner scope with 30mm tube for a Remington 700 I am fixing up. In shopping for rings the packaging does not often indicate the bases they fit. The retailer told me that the Vortex rings I bought were for Weaver. When I opened the package to read instructions it indicated they could be used with Weaver or Picatinny bases. I mounted the scope and it was tight but did not look like a nice Weaver to Weaver match (a bit sloppy looking). Sighted in and then ran about 20 rounds at 100, 200 and put a few into the 8"gong at 300 yds. Seams to be holding up fine but my OCD keeps thinking it will fail over time and just when you need it to function.

I checked out other stores and found some Leupold sets marked Weaver and some marked Weaver/Picatinny. What has been the experience here? Do the sets that fit both hold up over time? Just trying to figure out if I should bite the bullet now and change them over or stick with these. I always over think this stuff! Thanks!
As long as you degreased the screws, seated the rings toward the muzzle end of the gun and torqued appropriately, you will be fine.
Yes, I did clean the screws and used a little blue loc tight pushed rings towards the muzzle and then torqued to specs on instructions. Never used this type before so wanted to confirm. Sounds like I will be fine with the set up. Thanks for all the replies. Love the new scope!
The only difference is the slot size and spacing. Weaver slots are .18" wide and there's no spacing standard. Pic rail slots are .206" wide and spaced .394" on center.

So Weaver accessories will fit pic but not the other way around.
Thanks for the precise description. Have always wondered in the back of my mind what was the difference between the two.
The only difference is the slot size and spacing. Weaver slots are .18" wide and there's no spacing standard. Pic rail slots are .206" wide and spaced .394" on center.

So Weaver accessories will fit pic but not the other way around.
Well new to me. I've always though rings fit all bases except rings similar to those that came with my older Sako rifles. My grandfather once told me that if I wasn't real careful I'd learn something new every day. He was right!
The only difference is the slot size and spacing. Weaver slots are .18" wide and there's no spacing standard. Pic rail slots are .206" wide and spaced .394" on center.

So Weaver accessories will fit pic but not the other way around.
Good info.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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