SB 136, Revising Residency Requirements


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley

Here's the Bill if you want to look at it:

This Bill would make it so a native born relative of a Resident, would be able to purchase a hunting licence at double what a resident hunter pays. There would be no cap on numbers. It is estimated that an additional 3400 licences would be sold for elk and deer. That's another add to the already high numbers of NR we have.

Tell your reps to vote no on SB 136. Our big game numbers are going the wrong direction for more pressure.

Joe Balyeat is the sponsor of the bill. He wanted his kids who gave up residency for college tuition costs, to be able to hunt in Montana. Not too self serving.

That frees up more tags for potential clients for Outfitters too. We'll need the extra money to pay for all the wolf collars.
Bad part is the department is looking the other way on all these bills. Was in Helena today. Busy stuff, and trying to make a difference with those who will listen.
More good news. I really am starting to hate clicking on the "sportsmen's issues". Its hypocrisy to the hilt. "Kill the wolves, there is no game left", but open the flood gates to more and more hunters, the resource can handle it!?!?
Me thinks ya missed the sarcasm of SS's 2nd. post drahthaar.
SB 400 needs 3 Senators to switch. Please give your men or woman, and ear full. Make sure their aware they already passed other legislation increasing NR hunters by 3400 with the passage of SB 136
Things at the funny farm are gonna get real stupid in the home stretch.......hey Ben, if Guv Bri vetoes the budget and a special (needs) sessions ensues, do you know if they can keep addressing bills from the regular session in addition to the budget stuff? I'm afraid of the answer.....
Hey Shoots-Straight,

How soon would sb-136 become law? Would it be asking too much if I tried for a refund on the b-10 license I already applied for?;)

Maybe I could return my b-10, get a "cheapie" sb136 license, donate the difference to the RCFWA.:D

I just joined as a life member BTW.
Hey Shoots-Straight,

How soon would sb-136 become law? Would it be asking too much if I tried for a refund on the b-10 license I already applied for?;)

Maybe I could return my b-10, get a "cheapie" sb136 license, donate the difference to the RCFWA.:D

I just joined as a life member BTW.

March 1 2012, and thanks for the membership, we wont let you down. BTW, feel free to join in the reindeer games. I think I had your email once, send me a PM and I'll get you in the stream.
Been meaning to thank you Buzz but spare time has been hard to find in Montana lately. Your show of support is much appreciated. We will get you your monies worth and be tapping you for ideas.
MT's 62'nd leg. session may be the best membership drive that sportsmens groups have ever experienced. Hope it turns out being the worst thing that those who wanna' hose us will experience also.
This was sent back to the Senate with amendments. You have one last chance to be heard by your senator. Call them let them know your PO about this. Can we absorb another 3400 NR hunters? Is it fair, that they enjoy living out of state but get special treatment, because they were born here?

Find your Senator and let him/her have it. Call write whatever. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution.

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