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Savage 22 Creed build?


Active member
Mar 11, 2020
My buddy has a Savage 30-06 that he is wiling to sell very cheap to me. I'm wondering if it is worth getting a prefit Criterion 22 Creed barrel and swapping it out? Would the Savage long action work with the 22CM? I'm not a huge Savage fan but for the price I can't pass this deal up. My goal is to shoot heavier bullets and make it more of a range rifle for fun shooting from 100-1000 yards.

I guess, my question is do I build on the Savage or wait for a Rem action to come for sale?
My buddy has a Savage 30-06 that he is wiling to sell very cheap to me. I'm wondering if it is worth getting a prefit Criterion 22 Creed barrel and swapping it out? Would the Savage long action work with the 22CM? I'm not a huge Savage fan but for the price I can't pass this deal up. My goal is to shoot heavier bullets and make it more of a range rifle for fun shooting from 100-1000 yards.

I guess, my question is do I build on the Savage or wait for a Rem action to come for sale?
My personal bias is against Savage actions because of the barrel nut, but whatever tickles your fancy. I know I love the remingtons I've worked on.
The barrel nut doesn't bother me. I have the tools for the job. I just want a rifle that functions and is accutate.
I'm not a huge fan of savage rifles in general, but the 2 I have do shoot very well in factory setups. I have considered doing the a 22creed build off one as well, just haven't convinced myself do a "custom" rifle out of one. Kind of sloppy actions. That said it would be a very budget friendly build, and I would bet it would shoot great. Guess I am not much help, Pros: budget friendly build that will likely shoot great and the 22 creed is a good choice. Con: still a savage.....
CForest, I'm kinda feeling the same.

Pros-I have the tools and it will probably be a shooter
Cons-is the Savage 110 the best action for a 22Creed build?
I’d do it in a heartbeat.

My model 10 .223 is sub 1/2 MOA, my model 11 .260 Remington is showing the same,

Stevens 200LA is just as good.

Put in a good trigger, use a trued recoil lug, get a barrel etc from Northland shooters supply and go for it.

I’m looking at pushing my .260 Remington out of model 11 and into the Steven LA because the bullets will make the OAL be so long for the magazine.

You will want to make sure you use the correct bolt baffle with the extended stop most likely.
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I did it no regrets here. Shoots the 77tmk’s pretty good. It was originally a 22-250.
I’m not a big fan of an LA action for a SA cartridge, but my .308 Win barrel shoots well on my 116 action. Feeding wasn’t the best, but I didn’t play with it too much either
I say, do it!
With one caveat.
I'd do 22-243.
It's a long action, so your not worried about magazine length.
Seat the heavier bullets out, & make use of the greater case capacity.

Not sure what @Farmerj is refering to?
Bolt heads should be the same, unless you want to go to the 223 family, or magnum.

I got the stuff for a benchrest build from Northland Shooters Supply, Sharp Shooters Supply, and Pacific Tool & Gauge.

Rifle Basix triggers work well!
And are well worth the money!

There are bolt lift kits out there that seriously reduce the amount of force required to open the bolt.
Makes a Savage bolt lift almost custom action easy.

While poeple say the bolt travel is "sloppy", they actually benefit greatly from lapping the races.

All my Savages & my Weatherby Mark V have EGW one piece bases.
EGW Keystone line of rings are seriously overbuilt!
Quality rings at $69!
Get base & rings at the same time & they take 10% off.

Bottom line.
Yeah, there are weaknesses in a Savage action. But all can be addressed cheaply, at home.

Beats having to send out an action for custom machining!

And when you shoot out the barrel, ya loosen the nut, screw the barrel off, screw the new barrel on, set headspace & tighten the nut.
Easy peazy!
Gotten so i can do it in my basement in 10 minutes.
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My personal bias is against Savage actions because of the barrel nut, but whatever tickles your fancy. I know I love the remingtons I've worked on.
This is how I feel too.

But the barrel nut is what makes it so economical to switch barrels on Savage 110 family guns. I say go for it. You will need to change the magazine box also. Google it.
A couple of LE Wilson gages and a barrel wrench and you are good to go.
This is how I feel too.

But the barrel nut is what makes it so economical to switch barrels on Savage 110 family guns. I say go for it. You will need to change the magazine box also. Google it.
A couple of LE Wilson gages and a barrel wrench and you are good to go.
I’ve got 5 savage actions and 9 barrels.🤣

Some the same chamber and twist, just different profiles
I would want a short action and a cartridge with better barrel life for a range rifle. worrying about rate of fire, barrel heating up, and burning up your throat is no fun at the range!

I’ve taken the saving money route on a number of customs and every time I wish I would have just gotten what I really wanted right off the bat. If that already rough savage action feeds it like garbage you’ll be cursing your decision. If the price is too good maybe you could trade it for a different used short action savage?
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