Rush Limbaugh passed away today

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I think he’s directly responsible for the seed of hate I saw grow in my grandpa’s mind that overtook his last 10 years of thoughts.
I totally agree with you. All his agenda was to divide Americans with lies and line up his pockets. He had a mansion and a private Gulfstream Jet, 3 divorces and 4 marriages. He was a genius for sure :)
I think it's pretty critical to remember that a person can be more than one thing, depending on the perspective you are looking from. Did Rush Limbaugh give to charities? Certainly, and very generously to some. Did he say some really terrible things that probably really hurt some people? Certainly.

My grandfather was my hero growing up. As I got older, I realized he did some things that really hurt others. Does that make him less a hero to me? Maybe not. Does that mean everyone else revered him as a hero? Absolutely not.

Thinking someone can or should only be viewed through the lens you are looking at certainly doesn't constitute moral honesty in any way, shape or form. Respecting (NOT agreeing with)the way others can view someone is pretty key to being a decent human being, IMO.
Rush consistently gave far more to charities and changed far more lives for the better than most of his haters ever have. He was an icon and will be greatly missed by many. RIP
He's in good company of people who consistently gave more to charities and changed more lives for the better than most of their haters have:

Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, David Koch...etc. etc. etc.

All great philanthropists...great people???

Sorry, philanthropy only carries a person so far.
He's in good company of people who consistently gave more to charities and changed more lives for the better than most of their haters have:

Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, David Koch...etc. etc. etc.

All great philanthropists...great people???

Sorry, philanthropy only carries a person so far.
Dude now you are just comparing him to rapists. I don’t care what your political beliefs are, slow your roll.
He simply pointed out whats happening, whats going to happen and left if up to you to decide what to do about it.
However, as I stated, he was a brilliant master of spin and an accomplished entertainer. He could convince you that AOC was a right wing radical tea party conservative if he felt it was the proper entertainment for your morning. By show end you would believe it.
I think you missed Buzz's point entirely. Philanthropy from the 1%ers doesn't really count for much. He is right about that.
No I got that part, and it makes sense. I have a problem with comparing someone who you politically or personally disagree with to a couple of the worst human beings of the past 10 years

At no point have I expressed support for Limbaugh’s politics or the way he went about his life, I simply asked for Buzz to have some perspective
He's in good company of people who consistently gave more to charities and changed more lives for the better than most of their haters have:

Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, David Koch...etc. etc. etc.

All great philanthropists...great people???

Sorry, philanthropy only carries a person so far.

Geez Buzz, is your blood sugar low today or what? Maybe you should start a separate thread to air your grievances, or just go holler at cars driving past your house or something...
There is something about (and why I think all politicians should be <65 yr old) older people where they seem to not be able to tell fact from fiction or are unable to understand that not everything is exactly as presented at face value.
It seems maybe conservative leaning people are a bit more susceptible to it but liberal ones definitely are affected as well.

I recently became connected on Facebook to an older gentleman that was a bit of a legend in the mountain hunting world and has authored some very well known books. He DMs me Qanon bs all day long. I have never responded one time and it just keeps coming.
But the key question, is did you #KeepHammering?
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