Ruger LCR 357


Active member
Jun 27, 2016
Kalispell MT
Hey everyone, I just picked up a Ruger LCR 357 as a trade in on my Taurus Judge. I picked this particular wheel gun as a compromise of uses. I occasionally carry but struggle with my Glock in the summer, and this fits as a pocket carry very well for me. I’m mostly planning to use .38 specials for range and carry but like that I can throw in some heavy 357 for archery season or hiking I always carry bear spray and always fe comfortable as that being my 1st or main line of defense. Though there are times when packing meat at night or camping with the kids that I have wanted a plan B. I use to plan on taking the judge but when cutting weight it always stayed back home.
The two questions I’m hoping to ask here are: 1) does anyone have any recommendations for Buffalo Bore vs Double Tap be HSM bear loads? And 2) does anyone have a recommendation for a way to carry with a Mystery Ranch Longbow pack that doesn’t have to be concealed but is less obvious? When we’re out hiking, I default to that mystery ranch unless I’m hauling a kid, and I find I get less dirty looks when people just see bear spray. Sometimes I still get razzed for having bear spray because they feel there are no bears. I’ve seen a black bear on the trail a 1/4 mile after this exchange too.
Any tips would be appreciated. I have started looking at spots on the pack but am hoping to avoid buying multiple holsters just to try.
I carried 180 gr Buffalo Bore hardcasts in my .357 for a lot of miles. Had to put down a horse with them once and penetration was impressive. I’d watch out for bullets jumping the crimp in something as light as an LCR.

I always carried on the pack belt, until I switched to a Gunfighter’s Inc chest holster. That’s now my preferred way to carry with a pack.
Hill People Gear chest pack. They work great and nongun people wont even know you have a gun. Decently fast acces in an emergency. Gunfighter inc also good but it's out in the open. Faster than the hill people Gear. I have both and they are both good. As for ammo try them out and find out which works best. Bullet jump may be an issue thst you don't want to find out about in an emergency.
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You live in MT and you're worried abt what peopl will think if you carry a side arm in the back country???
You live in MT and you're worried abt what peopl will think if you carry a side arm in the back country???
Haha, usually it’s more of the “front country”. I was chastised last rifle season when I was loading up my bike to ride 4 miles back, with the first mile through a common hiking area. The last was incredibly concerned I was going to shoot her dog on accident. Montana’s getting filled with yuppies.
I think I may have found an option: the sneaky Pete. I carry my bear spray on my bino harness, so this on my pack belt seems like an option.

as for the ammo, BB says they should be better at avoiding crimp jump. Any experiences though?
I'll take a guess that not a great many have been willing to touch off a BB bear load out of the LCR. If I intended to, which I wouldn't, I'd want to run a box through to ensure I could get back down on target quickly and easily, which I doubt.
Thanks Howl, For carrying I’ll run .38 spc but for back up bear rounds, I’m imagining this is as my other arm is in the bears mouth. Most likely contact shots in case the bear spray doesn’t work. I think I’ll get to do a range report.
Quick range report in case anyone is curious. This thing is great with standard 38 special rounds. Using 158gr range ammo, the sight picture is a lollipop at 7 yards and covers the target at 10-12 yards. With the 38, it was no problem keeping all shots on the dinner plate and I’d hit 3/5 on my 4” gong.

The buffalo bore 357 was a handful, but not horrible. While the 38 was fun, the 357 was work. I still kept it all on the dinner plate and could get back on target fairly quickly. The recoil isn’t a “arms fly over head” kind of thing. It snaps and has the barrel want to rise, but certainly can get it back on target in a blink. I didn’t try to get all 5 as quick as possible but could easily get all 5 down range on target with about a second a shot. Since I’m only resorting to this for contact shots, I think it will be great.

Also, for normal carry, the sticky pocket holsters are great. It goes well in most of my pockets and also rides well in the waistband. Only the slightest print of the very end of the grip.

I'll take a guess that not a great many have been willing to touch off a BB bear load out of the LCR. If I intended to, which I wouldn't, I'd want to run a box through to ensure I could get back down on target quickly and easily, which I doubt.

I haven't shot BB loads yet but I have tried other 357 mag loads in mine which is the 3 inch barrel version and the recoil isn't that bad. I was expecting it to be pretty stout but that Hoque tamer grip is pretty good at making it manageable.
Love those Rugers. I’m going to get an LCRx in .357 mag. My philosophy about stout loads for the backcountry is I don’t care how bad it kicks. I want loud and hard hitting now. That said when I get one I’m going to have the barrel ported. My Taurus .41 Mag has a ported barrel and it does help. Probably only cost $50 or so to have done right.
Caribou Gear

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