Mikey and I took the boat to the river and went up river a mile or so. We beached the boat and realized that the bank was 12 feet above us
they hadn't raised the water level yet. We found a place to climb the bank and stumbled around in the dark, being as we scouted this area from the other side of the river. We made our way up a small ridge, when we reached the top, Mikey gave out an hoot owl call. The bird was directly ABOVE us! So we moved to the right about 30 yards and setup. When the bird flew down he worked away from us, but there were several gobblers gobbling around us. About 7:15 I was still facing to the left, the way the one flew down, when I noticed a bird coming from the right in full strut. Mikey said, "FLIPPER, FLIPPER." I nodded so he knew that I had seen it. So the turkey was coming straight in to Mikey's calling and never broke strut. He was about 15 yards when he went behind a big oak tree in front of me and thats when I turned around to the right. When he stepped out from behind the tree, he went through a blow down and came out of it at 10 yards. He never took another step or flopped. In hind sight, I would have traded my shotgun for a video camera in a minute....it was perfect!