Reply from AZSFW


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002
I responded to one of their mass emails, something to the effect of they back stabbed the AZ sportsmen and women. He was the first reply.

This is intended to help with some serious issues that sportsmen are facing today.
You must not have the correct information or have missed the intent of this bill,
however I do pray that your business does well and people know you are doing
your best even if they disagree with you. This time of year we are reminded that
Christ's approval rating was very low and he was only doing for others.
Thank you,
Mark Nuessle"
I think we all should cal the AZ F&G game thief hot line and report a violation. AZSFW is stealing big game and selling it to the rich
Stan, are you serious! Are they comparing what they are doing, to what Jesus did? :W:

Who is Mark Nuessle?

I have always said they have some good talking points, but diverting public funds (tags) is just wrong. My trust meter is tacking out at uniquely HIGH level!
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Who is Mark Nuessle?

That's copied and pasted from the email I recieved ( I did remove my wifes name from the heading but nothing else)

I'm guessing Nuessle is on the AZSFW board. I didn't put any of the other back and forths on here but he lacks a little reading comprehension.
Now wait a minute! All those commandments are OLD testament stuff. Get with the times!
I had a patient once that was a really sorry individual, petty criminal, etc. He was always shifting blame for his condition. He made a point of telling me that there was only one perfect man, and "they crucified him."

Kind of reminds me of the SFW fellow for some reason.
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I think he missed the commandment "Thou shall not steal".

These people are downright delusional. This reconfirms all my prior confirmations.

There is no debating them. No need to spend energy trying to reason with any of them. Best to invest that energy destroying and burying them. Plain and simple.

Time to begin preparations for the next Arizona legislative session. The lobbyists they hire need to be forced to work to death and drain the SFW coffers along the way before they lose again.
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