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Red Rocks Lake NWR hunt plan under attack!

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Deadline for comments is December 16th. It's a tight time frame, but there is a concerted effort underway to flood the Refuge manager's inbox with anti-hunting comments. We need to send that flood the other way.

The hunt plan, and specifically alternative B, with some modifications (outlined in the link) will increase hunting opportunities for waterfowl and upland game birds, as well as help redistribute elk to areas where they are accessible by hunters.

Send comments to:
[email protected]


Red Rocks Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Southwestern Montana is currently looking to expand hunting opportunity for upland game birds and waterfowl. Unfortunately, that reasonable and prudent expansion of opportunity is coming under attack from the Environmental Humanities Center of the University of Utah. Their fears are that hunters will compromise safety for increased hunter opportunity. We view this is as a misguided attempt to reduce the proposed expansion of hunter opportunity. They are currently trying to flood the Wildlife Refuge Manager’s inbox with anti-hunting comments. We need to act fast and decisively in order to ensure reasonable and prudent expansions of waterfowl and upland hunting continue to move forward.
Imagine that, Utahns(?), Utahans (?), OK Utards, pushing something to curtail public hunting opportunity. I wonder if this NWR was part of a CWMU if there would be any safety concerns...
Imagine that, Utahns(?), Utahans (?), OK Utards, pushing something to curtail public hunting opportunity. I wonder if this NWR was part of a CWMU if there would be any safety concerns...

LOL! Thats what I was thinking ;)
Still time to get those comments in.

Let's make sure the Refuge Manager knows that we'd appreciate their continued support of hunters. :)
Sent mine last night. Remember to be friendly but to the point. These guys get inundated with haters and wordy emails all the time which often don't get the full attention of the recipient.
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