Caribou Gear

Really Otter?


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I really hope that congress pulls through on delisting wolves so Idaho doesn't sign this wolf disaster emergency. I live here, and don't think too kindly of wolves, and I think this is really stooping to the lowest level to accomplish taking control of them. If I was in another state looking in on Idaho I would be thinking man those guys have some lame politicians if this is their best effort in finding a resolution. Granted many things have been tried and failed trying to get others to realize common sense, and we've proven that we can in fact manage wolves...screwed after the fact by technicalities by Malloy, but coming up with this and calling it a "State of Emergency?" I don't think this even has anything to do with a hunting season, if he does this then it looks like law enforcement will be the ones reducing the numbers, which I can already see all the money that will be spent on that doing research on where the reductions will be, then additional resources for the authorities to carry it out.

Anyways, I am no wolf lover, and in favor of delisting, hunting, and managing wolves. I just think this is a really pathetic way of getting it accomplished, hopefully it won't come to it and it's just remembered as Idaho "almost" declaring a state of emergency over it, and not really doing it.....IMO of course. I'm hopeful congress will pull through for all of us.....whatever good luck charm you have....USE IT!

BOISE, Idaho — Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter is hopeful Congress will delist wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains, so he's waiting to see what happens in Washington, D.C. before signing a bill that would allow him to declare a wolf disaster emergency in Idaho.

If Congress follows through, Otter says Idaho would win state control of the predators - making signing the measure passed by the state Idaho House and Senate this month unnecessary.

Otter says the congressional delisting measure inserted into a complex federal budget measure by U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson "gives control back to the state...where it should have been all along."

Idaho's measure would let Otter enlist local law enforcement agents to reduce Idaho's wolf population, which at 800 animals makes up about half of the wolves in the region.
I just read that it passed the house, and the senate is expected to vote on it later today. I can't believe this is really going to happen; but even the militant wolf loving crowd is even admitting defeat on this one so I guess it must be true.
So did Labrador from Idaho. I still can't believe that bum got elected.
why? he's in favor of immigration too. Aren't wolves somewhat considered immigrants:D
Quite a few no votes on this from both party's everyone should be aware this is not bill that is allowing the delisting of wolves in Idaho and Montana, I'm sure there are some here that want to make it seem like thats what this vote was. When the wolf deal was mearly a rider in a poor budget bill that doesnt do enough to address the remaining budget. Anyone suprised Labrador voted no shouldnt be since he ran on responsible limited government platform and got elected on that platform.

But it does allow them more time to battle the upcoming budget and hopefully get some meaningful cuts in that without raising taxes.
After all these years, if you live in Montana, yes it is a wolf bill.
Quite a few no votes on this from both party's everyone should be aware this is not bill that is allowing the delisting of wolves in Idaho and Montana, I'm sure there are some here that want to make it seem like thats what this vote was. When the wolf deal was mearly a rider in a poor budget bill that doesnt do enough to address the remaining budget. Anyone suprised Labrador voted no shouldnt be since he ran on responsible limited government platform and got elected on that platform.

But it does allow them more time to battle the upcoming budget and hopefully get some meaningful cuts in that without raising taxes.

You obviously don't know much about Idaho. Out here it was a wolf bill. Labrador won because he got the Republican nomination. Without that his "platform" would have got him nowhere. In fact I know a lot of other Republican voters who were not happy when he got the nod.
You obviously don't know much about Idaho. Out here it was a wolf bill. Labrador won because he got the Republican nomination. Without that his "platform" would have got him nowhere. In fact I know a lot of other Republican voters who were not happy when he got the nod.

Well you know nothing of the conservative movement that took place in 2010, so we'll just have to call it even. In all likely Hood his vote was a sacrificial vote, but they should've held out for more meaningful cuts. If the Senate votes 81-19 to pass you know its a bad bill.
Bad bill or not...It got the most important thing accomplished..delisting the wolf. Now I am not totally against wolves but the state has to have the ability to manage all of the wildlife. Without wolf control, they couldn't do that effectively. About time!
Well you know nothing of the conservative movement that took place in 2010, so we'll just have to call it even. In all likely Hood his vote was a sacrificial vote, but they should've held out for more meaningful cuts. If the Senate votes 81-19 to pass you know its a bad bill.

Once again you have proven your ignorance by stating an assumption of someone you know nothing about. Perhaps you need to get out more.