Yeti GOBOX Collection

Question About Leukotape


Active member
Nov 27, 2019
Longmont, CO
So I was having some heel blisters while breaking in some new hunting boots in the heat of the summer. Did some research and after seeing hundreds of forum posts and tons of reviews for Leukotape being the a miracle tape I ordered some off Amazon. I will say it solved my problems and I got them broke in with no more blisters. But aside from stopping blisters I had problems with the tape. First it is incredible hard to get off the roll. Second the outside of the tape is then a little sticky form the adhesive that had been on top of it. So the roll sticks to things and the tape on my heel is sticky. But the biggest problem I had was after a days outing the tape is more stuck to my socks then my heel. It's like the adhesive bleeds through the cloth to the outside and gets glued to my sock. The tape ends up coming off with my sock when I take it off. So I was going to give up on it and throw it away. But I liked having something as a just in case because I still get some hot spots when it's hot. And just preventative. But in looking for and alternative literally every search comes back to Leukotape. People just love the stuff. Nobody mentions the problems I have. People talk about having the same tape on their feet for a week long hunt. No way I could get more than a day. I try to slowly peel my socks away socks from it and there is no way to keep it on my feet. So all these great reviews made me think maybe mine was defective. Looking harder I found one bad review where a guy mentioned the first two problems I had. He guessed it got hot and melted. I also found one forum post where a guy said "buy a new roll every season" cause after leaving it in his truck all summer it stuck to his socks. These are literally the only two negative statements I've found.

So my questions are is anyone having these problems I've had? Or at least something similar? If no one is having these problems I'd like to know so I can be sure I just got a bad batch. Also, where is everyone buying theirs? I got mine on Amazon and I don't want to spend another $10-$12 just to have another defective roll. But, I've been to every drug store and sporting store in town and can't find it. If you do get it on Amazon can you link the exact seller cause there is about 10 different ones. I've got to more hunts left this year so I want to figure something out fast. Thanks
To avoid it sticking to your sock, you could put some other type of tape such as duct tape over top of it.
I use KT tape instead of luekotape. It has a paper backing you peel off so it doesn't stick to my socks. The main issue I've had with it is that it doesn't stay adhered unless I keep my socks on.
The small hassle of leukotape is fair better than not having it. It saved me this yr on a brutal elk hunt.
So I was having some heel blisters while breaking in some new hunting boots in the heat of the summer. Did some research and after seeing hundreds of forum posts and tons of reviews for Leukotape being the a miracle tape I ordered some off Amazon. I will say it solved my problems and I got them broke in with no more blisters. But aside from stopping blisters I had problems with the tape. First it is incredible hard to get off the roll. Second the outside of the tape is then a little sticky form the adhesive that had been on top of it. So the roll sticks to things and the tape on my heel is sticky. But the biggest problem I had was after a days outing the tape is more stuck to my socks then my heel. It's like the adhesive bleeds through the cloth to the outside and gets glued to my sock. The tape ends up coming off with my sock when I take it off. So I was going to give up on it and throw it away. But I liked having something as a just in case because I still get some hot spots when it's hot. And just preventative. But in looking for and alternative literally every search comes back to Leukotape. People just love the stuff. Nobody mentions the problems I have. People talk about having the same tape on their feet for a week long hunt. No way I could get more than a day. I try to slowly peel my socks away socks from it and there is no way to keep it on my feet. So all these great reviews made me think maybe mine was defective. Looking harder I found one bad review where a guy mentioned the first two problems I had. He guessed it got hot and melted. I also found one forum post where a guy said "buy a new roll every season" cause after leaving it in his truck all summer it stuck to his socks. These are literally the only two negative statements I've found.

So my questions are is anyone having these problems I've had? Or at least something similar? If no one is having these problems I'd like to know so I can be sure I just got a bad batch. Also, where is everyone buying theirs? I got mine on Amazon and I don't want to spend another $10-$12 just to have another defective roll. But, I've been to every drug store and sporting store in town and can't find it. If you do get it on Amazon can you link the exact seller cause there is about 10 different ones. I've got to more hunts left this year so I want to figure something out fast. Thanks
I have two rolls. It seemed the second roll I purchased wasn't exactly the same as Leukotape, but a different brand? The off brand seemed to be more of the bleeding through and sticky on both sides of the tape. Not an exact science but I feel as though the first roll I bought, that was in a blue and white medical package that said leukotape, was better than the equivalent looking black box tape.
The adhesive can seep through, but doesn’t happen often. I’d put duct tape over it
I learned this year that Leuko is susceptible to extreme heat or cold. Seems intuitive in hindsight, but not something I was thinking about. I left my toiletry bag on the dash one morning while we ran the heater on high blast. Basically, it caused the exact issue you're describing but to the point that the tape was unusable. I thankfully had a backup roll, which I brought out with me into the back country. Temps dipped to the low teens at night and I had my toiletry kit out of my bag. The next morning the adhesive basically froze to the roll.

Like other have said, the hassle is worth it IMO. My feet are susceptible to blisters in just about any boot so the stuff is a necessity for me. With some boots I even go so far as to use 3M Nexcare first and then cover that with Leuko. I could pretty much wear 2x4 box shoes with that combo and not get a blister.
I've had the same issues, but like everybody else, it's because I left the roll in the truck on a hot summer day. And like everybody else, the PITA is worth it. Its still the best option out there, and I'd still pay the $10 for a new roll than deal with the other consequences. Long story short, 10 buck vs. the alternative - just go ahead and take my money!
I've got a number of old rolls, I always order new before each season and have never had problem with sticking to my socks.
My process is simple and I've had same tape on for 3wks before. Arrive trail head, I wipe my heels down with alcohol wipes, dry, apply new tape, no issues.
I'll gladly buy a new roll each year.
Huge fan of LK here. I do a couple tricks.

1.) Tape sequence (a. tape from the back of heal to bottom "underneath" of heal, b. horizontally, c. vertically) Try to make sure the horizontal and vertical tape covers the ends of the underneath tape. This will help prevent the tape ends and corners from rolling.

2.) Use baby powder or Gold Bond on top of the tape. Powder adheres to any sticky surface plus helps with foot moisture.

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