Prayers Needed For Hambones Father


New member
Apr 19, 2004
Fellow Hunters, Fishers and Chatters,
My Father in Law ( hambones Dad ) had a stroke today and is need of as many prayers he can get sent his way. His nickname is Buck and he's 85 years old and going down pretty fast. He got to come home instead of staying in the hospital this afternoon but the doctor said it is still very possible that "the big one" could happen just any time now. My sister in law who has been living with and taking care of him since their Mother died over three years ago needs prayers as well as hambone too.

DixieLady in Alabama
Thank you Nut and just to let you know our thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family also:)
Best Wishes in the weeks to come, Everyman has his season, We just got my Dad out of the hospital last week. Good Luck and God Bless. John
Update on Father in Law

Thanks Draftstud,
and here's update on my pa in law.
He's gaining the feelings back in his hand and arms and legs about as well as can be expected. As of yesterday able to grip and hold a glass in his left hand.
I can only hope if I reach the age he is now (85) that I can say same things he does about living a good and happy life and all worthwhile.
This man use to go out and hunt every hunting season and when he wasn't hunting he was out fishing. The last time hambone took his Dad out hunting about all his Dad could do was sit down at the base of a tree and wait. Since he hasn't been able to walk as good as he use to and he does forget where he is from time to time his hunting days are finished, But oh! let me tell you all something....
The story's this man has to share are some of the best old time hunting and fishing story's we've ever heard. Maybe I'll be able to get them all compiled in the future and share a few of them with ya'll.
Here's a little something that actually happened while hambone and his Father went out hunting one morning for starters:
Hambone and his Dad got to their favorite hunting grounds to do a little squirrel hunting. While hambone decided to go deeper into the woods his dad decided to stay closer to the main road. Just about the time his dad backed up to sit down at the base of a tree and get all nice and comfy he heard the sound of a grunt (as someone sounds as they're clearing their throat).
Just as he sat down, he realized that he had sat down on top of another hunter who had same idea about parking it at base of tree close to the main road :D LOL
Needless to say, that was one day a couple of older hunters had a real good laugh and got no squirrels :eek:
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