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Oct,16 started with a much needed trip out to the country. I got my twins up at 6:30 and headed for 7-11 for the needed supplies for a day of scouting with 2 11yr olds. Pop, chips, chocolate bars, hoagies and my starter coffee [all health food by Canadian standards]. It was only a 1/2 hour drive to where I wanted to look around so we arrivedjust before sun up and got into place high up on a hill top so we could get a good look around. We were treated to a wonderful sunrise that stretched as far as you could see.
We spotted a bunch of Antelope with 1 large buck in it and tried for several hours yo get close enough to get some footage. They were spooky as they had been hunted hard in this area the last week. I finaly got tired of hearing," Lets go do something else" and headed over the back side of the ridge to glass some draws that usually hold plenty of deer. These draws had Pheasant hunters and dogs working every draw so plan "B" went into effect. I knew some old slough bottoms that are 3/4s of a mile away from all the action and right smack in the middle of the bald headed prairie. The fields look flat from all around but as you get close can find several of these low spots. The grass usually is 3-4 feet tall and the deer will lay in this grass until you step on them. We spotted some horn above the grass and got set up to video. I gave the boys some quick instructions on using the video and moved around to where I had a shot at the body. The buck never knew what hit him.

We spotted a bunch of Antelope with 1 large buck in it and tried for several hours yo get close enough to get some footage. They were spooky as they had been hunted hard in this area the last week. I finaly got tired of hearing," Lets go do something else" and headed over the back side of the ridge to glass some draws that usually hold plenty of deer. These draws had Pheasant hunters and dogs working every draw so plan "B" went into effect. I knew some old slough bottoms that are 3/4s of a mile away from all the action and right smack in the middle of the bald headed prairie. The fields look flat from all around but as you get close can find several of these low spots. The grass usually is 3-4 feet tall and the deer will lay in this grass until you step on them. We spotted some horn above the grass and got set up to video. I gave the boys some quick instructions on using the video and moved around to where I had a shot at the body. The buck never knew what hit him.
