Powder and Bullet Question


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
Because I have a Knight Muzzloader that will not shoot BH 209, I had been thinking about trying to get it to shoot something else for a Non-Colorado restricted muzzy.

I bought this combo and never shot it because I was afraid it might blow my face off. Safe? Let buddy shoot it first? IMG_7942 (2).jpg
Because I have a Knight Muzzloader that will not shoot BH 209, I had been thinking about trying to get it to shoot something else for a Non-Colorado restricted muzzy.

I bought this combo and never shot it because I was afraid it might blow my face off. Safe? Let buddy shoot it first?
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I’ve shot that combo, you will be fine. I killed a few deer with it but wasn’t overly impressed to buy it again. Don’t think I would use it on elk.
I killed a few deer with it but wasn’t overly impressed to buy it again. Don’t think I would use it on elk.
Killed probably 20 or so deer with that combination. Never a problem with one, can't remember a single one going more than 30 yards max after the shot. Only one I can remember not exiting was a head on shot, DRT. I agree on not using them on elk though.
Killed probably 20 or so deer with that combination. Never a problem with one, can't remember a single one going more than 30 yards max after the shot. Only one I can remember not exiting was a head on shot, DRT. I agree on not using them on elk though.
I didn’t have a problem, just wasn’t impressed, deer still died. The Hornday XTP mag was just as good and cheaper to shoot, so I went back. Most any sabot in a .50 will do fine on deer with those pellets. Find what your gun likes and shoot it.

Those hornady bore drivers are the ticket though. So much easier to load and deadly, even on elk.
I didn’t have a problem, just wasn’t impressed, deer still died. The Hornday XTP mag was just as good and cheaper to shoot, so I went back. Most any sabot in a .50 will do fine on deer with those pellets. Find what your gun likes and shoot it.

Those hornady bore drivers are the ticket though. So much easier to load and deadly, even on elk.
Yah, 20 years ago that was literally the first one I tried and it shot amazing, so I just went with it without looking back.
We have gone through a few boxes of those triple 7 pellets and 250 sst’s. They are good combo in my knight.

The sst’s kill deer really well, though my dad gets annoyed with them because sometimes we find the jacket in the wound channel but no lead core. I don’t really care since they always blow a good sized hole clear through and leave a good blood trail that is short and leads to a dead deer. My guess is that if you put one in the front half of an elk, you’ll be packing elk.
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