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Yesterday the local police department entered into a standoff with a guy who was supposedly holed up in his home with an AK-47, threatening to kill people (as reported by the local media, including my employer). Turns out there was no AK-47, threat, or even a standoff...just a single phone call with a heavy dose of misinformation. Read on:

Thoughts, anyone?EVANSVILLE - A dozen police officers surrounded an Evansville man's house after a call that the man could be violent to himself, and others.
It turns out the man was asleep, and he tells NEWS 25 he didn't threaten anyone. That leads us to ask if the EPD response was appropriate.
Joe Persinger was the most surprised man in town when he woke up from his sleep Tuesday night. A day after streets were blocked and the EPD SWAT Team deployed, we ask if that response was appropriate. Persinger said, "I'm 5'11" and I weigh about 165, 170 pounds. I'm not John Dillinger."
Persinger switches between emotions. He sometimes laughs about what he lived through, but he's also angry that the Evansville Police SWAT Team woke him up.
Persinger said, "I was surprised and shocked, and thought it was the biggest bunch of bull I'd ever heard in my life. I mean, it was completely and totally ridiculous."
The SWAT Team and hostage negotiators went to Persinger's East Indiana Street home after getting a 911 call from Persinger's niece, b ut Persinger says he didn't threaten anyone, adding he loves his young daughters too much to hurt himself or others.
He told us he did tell his niece he had a shotgun, and that he would to protect himself from thefts happening near his home.
Persinger says his phone ringer was turned off and he's a heavy sleeper, so he didn't know until he woke up to get a drink that police were waiting for him.
Persinger said, "And the next thing I know I go to lay back down and I hear a bullhorn blowing, 'Joe, Joe. Answer your phone.' So I picked up my phone, and that's when there was a policeman on the other line and asked me to step outside. And I asked him if he wanted me to step outside, and he said, 'Yeah, would you please, and put your hands on top of your head.'"
We took our questions about the standoff to the Evansville Police spokesperson, Sgt. Stephanie Loehrlein.
NEWS 25 asked Loehrlein, "Was that call, in and of itself, enough to justify the response?"
She said, "Absolutely. Anytime you have someone that is of a mental state where they're threatening to kill themselves or someone else, you've got the potential that they're going to, either one, follow through with the threat and kill someone, or if they're suicidal, many people try to kill themselves by using the police. So even though there was not, it ended up not being a high-powered rifle in the home, I think everything was handled as best as it could possibly have been."
Persinger works the 3rd shift, and sleeps during the day. No one was injured in the incident.