PNW Upland Tips


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2021
Eugene, OR
Well, my first year hunting blacktail deer was a bust, as I never did see a buck. What I did see, though, was some grouse, quail, and pheasants. Of course, I didn’t have my shotgun and I wasn’t about to hunt upland with a 308, so I didn’t take any of them. Now that deer season is over, I’m thinking I’ll go back out and try to bag some. I’ve never really hunted upland in the PNW before, so I’m wondering if anyone has some tips, pointers, or tricks for having a successful hunt. Ive got an H&R pardner single shot 20ga and some Remington #6 shells to use, plenty of orange and warm clothing. Do you think this will be adequate? Is there anything else I should have? What’re the best methods for finding and flushing birds without a dog?
If you have state land release sites for Pheasants try there, tough for sure without a four legged companion though. Most of these areas are steel shot so be caware there. For grouse just5 look for likley forest road areas and hunt. You may be more suited to this without a dog.
Been living here in Central oregon 32 years now and the upland hunting relatively close is finished. Not sure why but might be over grazing. Haven't see a wild game bird around here in over five years now so next year going to plan B. Gonna order up maybe 50 day old chukar's and 50 day old bob white. Got 40 adult chukar last year and shot them for the dog's. Not as good as wild bird but the wild birds are pretty much gone!

Snicker at about 8 wks. Have his mom and dad also. He's coming two now and training slowed without birds. Damn cats killed about 60 pigeons on me last year!


Then his sister Mira. She's up near Tacoma, Washington and doing great! She got a great home but I still cry a bit when I let a pup go! That's her new /dad with her. They also have her grandfather!


Sis, Mom at 8 wks. Just got home from Minnesota with her!

Been living here in Central oregon 32 years now and the upland hunting relatively close is finished. Not sure why but might be over grazing. Haven't see a wild game bird around here in over five years now so next year going to plan B. Gonna order up maybe 50 day old chukar's and 50 day old bob white. Got 40 adult chukar last year and shot them for the dog's. Not as good as wild bird but the wild birds are pretty much gone!

Snicker at about 8 wks. Have his mom and dad also. He's coming two now and training slowed without birds. Damn cats killed about 60 pigeons on me last year!


Then his sister Mira. She's up near Tacoma, Washington and doing great! She got a great home but I still cry a bit when I let a pup go! That's her new /dad with her. They also have her grandfather!


Sis, Mom at 8 wks. Just got home from Minnesota with her!

Cute pups! I’m pushing to get a bird dog for the next dog we get, but as is we can only handle the two we have, and I don’t want to see either of them go, so hopefully it will be many years until we get another. I’ve seen some wild pheasants here in the Eugene area. There’s a handful that live in one of the city parks, surprisingly. I’ve bumped a few grouse while out deer hunting, so I know those are around. Just never when I’m out hunting for them. They must be able to tell when I’ve got the wrong gun hahaha.
Graduated high school in Independence. Were lots of pheasants around back in those days. But land is closing up around there and clean farming is taking out a lot of cover. haven't hunted the valley in years now. Lived in Valsetz a couple years and used to be good number's of grouse up there. Long trip from here though these days. Adair used to have a fish and game pheasant raising farm there and used to be you could find some around there. haven't been by in years though so don't know what is going on now. Was stationed at Adair 1965 to 1967.