Kenetrek Boots

Pistol hunting


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
South Dakota
I'm contemplating buying a 460 for pistol hunting deer and possibly black bear. Is this way overkill? Should I just step down to a 44 mag? I've shot both a 460 and 500 so I know what I'm getting into there. Looking for some other hunters opinions. Thanks
Slightly, but buy and shoot what you want and enjoy it. Especially if you reload. Reloading and revolvers go together like they were made for eachother. If your buying factory ammo only you may want to consider the cost and availability of factory ammo and think about practicing too. Reloading opens things up, brings costs down, enables you to make less powerful ammo to practice with. Factory ammo only the 44 will be more cost effective and you can get 44 special. Not sure if there's a "special" version for those cartridges.

The 44s what I have, I've shot a hog with it and take it deer hunting sometimes. I personally think the 44s great. It's also an old cartridge that's watered down slightly by most factory ammo. If I'm hunting I'd either use Buffalo bore/underwood ammo or what I do is hunt with 240gr xtps over 26ish grains of w296 to get the full potential.
Between the two cartridges I'd be more concerned with the gun itself. Getting it in my favorite platform. You can get whatever high quality ammo you want for both. And I believe the 44s more than enough for blackbears and deer. Really just comes down to what you want
There are "special" versions of those cartridges.

They are 454 Casul and 45 LC.

I say go for it.

The 460 would be sending out bullets at velocities of the hottest muzzle loaders.
I have the S&W XVR 460. I say go for it. The ability to choose between 45LC 454Casul and 460 makes it very versatile. Short range training and fun shooting I use 45 LC to keep it enjoyable and then long range training I'll use 454 or 460.
LAX Ammo has 300gr 460 at 1800 fps for $1.31 per round.
I've killed a bull elk with a 44 mag and 300 gr Hornady handloads. Have always been intrigued with the 460 S&W due to the gain twist rifling(reduces torque) and the ability to also shoot 454 Casull and 45LC. I would have one now but my eyes don't like handgun sights any longer.
.44 will take a moose just fine. You'll want to make sure of the first and only shot with a Casull, follow ups are not fun.
I'd get a .454 or 460 in a lever action and .44 in a nice revolver.
Fan of the .454 but it is a pain to shot, literally. The Rossi lever action is fun though but the .44 is way more pleasant to shoot in a pistol.
I have to say though our FA .454 is not ported , that may make a huge diff.
460 seems to be a great caliber for all the reasons mentioned above though.
Well I have four 44's and three 454's. They are all fun to shoot. Two 44's are scoped and two 454's are scoped. With either round you can taylor a load for each purpose, whether practice or hunting a certain size animal. For the 460 S&W check out the BFR revolvers and the S&W PC revolvers. If you prefer single action or double action these will give you a number of options. Handgun hunting is a ball and an effective tool.

This year will be dedicated to using a Freedom Arms 454, 7 1/2 barrel wearing a 2x Leupold. My old hunting buddy and longtime friend passed this last year, and he left me this revolver. It was built in 1985 before the premier/field grade was introduced. Needless to say, over the years I have put a number of rounds through it. It is as tight today as it was back then.

Good luck in your new venture. I'm sure you will enjoy the journey.
Unless you hunting wyoming bison where you need 2"col by stupid regulation, the 44 does everything needed on game. If your going to hunt our bison the 460 or 500 becomes a must. The 44s are the best to me with all bullet selection, avaliablity of components and shelf ammo.
I'm leaning more towards a 44, do I gain much with a 8.4" barrel over a 6.75
You gain some velocity, but accuracy and handling will be the important thing to get right. If you can handle the different models, I think you will find one that just feels better. Also see what is available for holsters that you would like to use hunting vs range use.
Overkill? Maybe, but who cares? Pick one you like and remember that the funnier it sounds/bigger diameter/most eccentric is always more lethal. If anyone disagrees, "works for me!" And laugh at them in .69 kleinschpooner maximum.
The younger you are the bigger and faster you need. As you get older, you're content to shoot slow heavy bullets and kill just as much stuff. I used to like to sling some really heavy bullets as fast as my wrists could endure. Now I'm content with a 45 colt shooting 280gr WFN bullets at a reasonable 1050fps and shooting through whatever I'm aiming at.

Get what you want. As long as you can shoot it, go for it.

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